I feel a bit sorry for Kelly, who had some crappy luck: he comes in with the bases loaded, promptly gets 3 ground balls in four batters, and they manage to record zero outs.
I feel a bit sorry for Kelly, who had some crappy luck: he comes in with the bases loaded, promptly gets 3 ground balls in four batters, and they manage to record zero outs.
There is not particular requirement to watch all 22 Bond films; certainly a fair number of them (I'm looking at you, Roger Moore) are skippable.
Insufferable, or did he just have hands of stone? That's usually the reason why WRs convert to DBs...
I'm not a Stanford guy, but it's pretty clear that Stanford was badly robbed. It also looked like he broke the plane on 2nd down, but that was not, for some reason, reviewed..
The amazing thing is how many of those pitches came on a 2-2 count.
The Hijet is also a kei truck, so they do compete directly against each other.
The Sambar is also probably half the size of the smaller Tacoma, too..
It happens in academia more often than you'd think. And perhaps he was just a visiting professor at Barnett?
The truly inexplicable thing was the decision to play for the tie when Arizona had the ball on their own 18 with 45 seconds left to play and two time outs. I mean, it's not like your quarterback has already thrown for 500 yards on the day or anything...
Are you trying to sell me something?
Ironically, Nabakov has written that his most famous book would have been a much easier sell if he'd made Humbert Humbert gay...
Oddly enough, serious depression has many of the same symptoms of CFS.
The autumn wind is a raider...
It was a pretty obvious hold. I could understand the bitterness if the hold was away from the play, or if you couldn't see the fistful of jersey on TV, but...
1. Aventador.
Dragons can breath fire. Dinosaurs can't. Advantage dragons.
Clearly the thieves wanted to make sure that the intake manifold wasn't in any danger of blowing.
RR 2 has plenty of properly licensed real cars...
Yes, Doctor Who... a series who's greatest villains are equipped with that horrific weapon known as the "toilet plunger".