Fortress Keeper

"The miniseries is pure immersion, and as many fans of Battlestar came to it on Netflix or DVD…" Well, that makes me feel pretty old. Watched the entire series first run

That was my initial reaction to the review as well. It'd be nice if a pop culture/arts Web site had a memory that ranged a little longer than four or five years.

I love Burton's Batman & Batman Returns as well as Nolan's Batman Begins & Dark Knight. The Schumacher films and Dark Knight Rises are equally terrible for different reasons in my book.

Kind of a lose/lose scenario in my book.

Still better than Dexter. I don't think True Blood is any worse than the last season of the Vampire Diaries for whatever that's worth

Take care of yourself!

Does later mean never? Hope nothing serious happened to the reviewer. As to the ep itsel, I'd probably give it a B+ on the strength of Julie Benz's performance. Some plot holes to be certain, but they may be cleared up in later episodes. As the show gets more serialized, it becomes harder to judge individual eps at

OITNB, Veep, True Detective & Silicon Valley

I thought the Flaming Lips broke up after The Soft Bulletin

Eh… I know True Blood is trashy TV but I don't see how it's any worse than recent seasons of The Vampire Diaries

Good to see the love for Speed Racer.


i voted for Broad City because its take on female friendship is more revolutionary than artsy interpretations of serial killers.

Probably brazen hypocrisy and greed

Malvo was always Gus' white whale, while Lester (and the well-meaning but inept Chief Oswalt) were Molly's. Both achieved their victories, albeit in ways we didn't necessarily expect. An "A" episode for me

Fair enough. I disagree though and felt the first 30 minutes were especially effective in presenting a scarier reality than we were used to and illustrating how dehumanizing the experience can be

Rick James, for one. When MTV first emerged pop culture still suffered from a "disco sucks" hangover so - much like AOR stations at the time - dance (ie "black") music was set aside for more traditional white rock acts and British New Wave.

God save The Tubes


Osamu Tezuka's Astro Boy, the original manga and/or anime