ForScience: Technically Within Spec is Best Kind of In Spec

Good sir. If, in fact, the general population was experiencing the same symptoms, would we notice them? I can imagine, based off the symptoms, a scenario where levels of BPA begin to rise as it proliferates the region. As exposure rises everywhere*, symptoms would slowly follow. As an endocrine disruptor, this can

Challenger’s report states that such a high rate of tech CEO turnover hasn’t happened since 2006, when 163 tech CEOs left their companies to found a sea-steading society that has since imploded from class unrest.

I disagree. As children we’re all taught there are consequences for our behavior, but the richer you get, the less that is the case. You can act however you want and face almost no consequences.

Because only illegal things are newsworthy? WTF

They didn’t tweet about it. This is investigative reporting. And its valuable. With reporting like this, potential employees can make informed decisions about a company they might work for.

I find the whole basic idea that Razer would be in the ‘Most Innovative Companies’ on a Fast Company scale strange. The company’s run like the 1800s, and what have they actually ‘innovated’ recently other than even stupider lighting, their dumb digital currency, and PewDiePie branded headphones (It’s real, I shit you

American Capitalism actively rewards sociopathy, abusive practices, and the creation of serf classes.

I love the idea of Galt’s Gulch. Specifically, the idea of a bunch of ultra-wealthy elites showing up to their secret private island and realizing someone is going to have to dig the latrines.

3.6 death wobbles. Not great, not terrible 

Not really hard to understand.

This is the “I can’t afford a track day, so I street race” argument with more steps

Our highways aren’t designed generally to the standard the autobahn is.

Well, here’s the thing: you don’t get to pretend things you don’t like don’t exist. This is noteworthy. It’s also of note that it’s very dangerous and illegal. 

I love the weird combination of art nouveau and gilded age imagery with the sci-fi setting. It works really well, both visually and thematically.

Hey now. Y’all all told me to stop buying rusty Michigan shitboxes, and to instead go down south and pick up a rust-free project. I’m doing that.

I’m making progress! (Right?)

Ok millennial

What was I supposed to do, turn down an $800 manual ZJ?!

Is that even possible?

CBD is, as far as we know so far, harmless. It’s not trying CBD that’s the problem, it’s (a) thinking that if CBD is good, then THC is, too, and (b) using unregulated CBD products that don’t have a consistent composition or dosage. I’m glad the FDA is working on better regulations, but I’m bracing for the inevitable

Anyone claiming it cures cancer or cures anything at all are scam artists. But you can’t ignore all the people who are successfully using it to control their pain.