
Now for Redneck Lemelons! Hmmm...

Wow, I kinda feel sorry for him now. But lookin’ at the accuser I now know she’s full of shit, that female hit the fuckin’ wall ages ago and now is just looking to cash in on a man’s hard work.

Personally, wouldn’t take a fucking PEZ from that cunt if offered.

The entire fucking idea of even why we were together. Never fucking again.

Fuck all of ya! Left, right, lib, conservative, poor, rich, black, white, yellow, brown, green and fucking polka dotted. The whole lot are nothing more than narcissistic fuck wits who honestly believe their opinions, gods, politics is the only one true paradigm, myself included. Thanks, to all in the comments for

It’s a fuckin’ dad joke, not a misogynistic attack on women you fuckin’ ninny.

Racism is totally fuckin’ awesome! As long as it’s directed at white folk. Everyone knows if you’re white you are automagically a tried and true racist.

Now playing

Men, Don’t date ! You’re in debt as soon as you click the “Send” button

Why? you wanna be my first? C’mere let me grab ya by the pussy.

The entire state allows concealed carry. You just need to have a fucking PhD in in absurd regulations to get one. The city can’t override the laws of the state in that regard.

Uh, no!

Missing the ever so needed S.L.C. > Vegas loop. The drive is boring as fuck.

An entitled woman doesn’t get what she wants. See’s his money going elsewhere or just not being spent on her and pitches a fucking shit fit to get her way. Not saying something else may not have been going on at the same time and if he was beating on her or similar then he’ll get his. However, if my first statement

So, a Basketball Game isn’t “A Game”? Football Game, not “A Game”? Baseball Game, anyone? Why in a lot of sports is it called “Game Day”?

That thing is outright fucking scary!

You just came down one leg with that one didn’t you?

I pity your imagination then.

One of many. In this case, the one you chose to use.