Existentially Challenged

Hm, good point. That makes sense...

It seems to me that even the right would object to a President’s cabinet essentially running the show in lieu of himself. However, despite all of my disdain, I’ve apparently still given them too much credit. Where is the outrage over (evidently) President Pence and VP Bannon?

I’m so sorry you’re going through that.

Absolutely. I’ve wondered for a while how they rationalize the incredible, constant, and pervasive backlash against anything liberals do or say - then say our viewpoints are the “politically correct” ones! It’s totally projection.


How people can interpret this as anything other than, “Trump is afraid he actually didn’t win” is beyond me.

*furiously takes notes*

I know. I love how her actually having some first-hand knowledge of the situation makes her “biased.” I think “bias” is just becoming a stand-in word for “I don’t like what you’re saying” among the right.

I know. It’s haunting me.

It will move on to all liberals next. Just yesterday, I saw a video on the YouTube front page suggesting that liberals approve of incest as “just another lifestyle choice.”

I’ve thought this, but because I can’t have nice things it’s always followed by worrying how many more tragedies/near-tragedies have to happen before they start to question all these “fake” stories.  

You’re right, of course, but it’s also something that children learn rather early. Like, to the point it’s a big joke that if one parent says “no,” the children go ask the other. We learn young how to get the answers we want. I know you’re talking about true critical thinking and I agree. I just wanted to add that

Self-awareness is in short supply these days. I think many of them know the old memes, they just think they couldn’t possibly be the butt of the joke.

I genuinely laughed out loud at this.

This forever. Well said.

This is far too much logic for post-fact America.

I’m so sorry for your loss.


I don’t hate Trump; I just hate all of his actions, words, and decisions.

Wow! It looks fantastic!