Existentially Challenged

I felt that one right in my gut. So true.

I don’t know what you’re talking about. It is impossible to do anything productive and take 30 seconds to make a comment. Crazy talk! /sarcasm

Seriously, she’s like trash tv personified. Real class act.

I know. I appreciated the woman taking the video, because people need to see this. I was starting to get a bit worried for their safety though, particularly when she started gesturing at the baby and making comments about “shoplifting.” You can’t tell me she didn’t do that on purpose, it was a passive-aggressive

Wow, now that is a guilty conscience!

I wouldn’t know. From my experience, there’s more than enough white supremacists, neo-nazis, and Trump supporters from the “alt-right” spreading bigotry, misinformation, and hate in mainstream and left-leaning communities alike. Seeking out people - particularly in their own spaces - is what they do. If you want to

Yeah, I’m actually kind of disappointed he turned Trump down. It may have been our only opportunity to have someone with some common sense, responsibility, and competence in a position of power. This whole thing is crazy...

Wow, you’re right! We must make society aware of who the true winner is here! ;)

While I don’t agree that this was sexist (any more so than anything else conservatives do or say), it sure is funny watching her try to explain why this made her feel diminished. Kind of the way she diminishes others’ - much more valid - fears and concerns. You know she’d be the very first one crying “how is this

LOL - love it!

I’m really sorry that you and your parent had to go through that. I admit, I hadn’t considered this perspective. My first reaction was just, “OMG, why is this segment on network TV!” I still think this was kind of inappropriate (due to the whole “normalization” concern and the presentation of it), but I can understand

Yep! And Clinton. And “MSM.” And “the Left.”

I absolutely agree as far as his so-called “moderate” supporters go. His most rabid followers will be singing his praises for..the rest of their lives? I imagine there will be many an old Trump supporter sitting around the retirement home talking about the “good ol’ days” of Drumpf. *blech*

Wow, is your mother ever projecting! Hey, I don’t blame you one bit. I’ve been there myself too. Sometimes family can only be handled in small doses, especially when they’ve been willfully brainwashed.

I understand. Thanks for the heads up, it’s good to know.

Fair enough. Admittedly, I hadn’t checked her Twitter feed. Regardless of her motivations, however, I’m still glad she’s doing it.

Absolutely! It will be such public humiliation too, considering so many of them now shout from the rafters that they support him.

I agree... Still, all we can know for certain in life is who we are and the only control we have in life is our own decisions. Who they chose to be? The decisions they made? Deplorable. I have my worries for the future as well and, really, who knows how this will all play out? One thing is for certain, the world is

I completely agree and, if I may, I’ve something to add...

Trump supporters... It’s hard not to just view them all as thugs. Stories like this one don’t help at all. AND they got Bill Corbett mad? You know you messed up now, Delta...