
I dont think TR these days is a strong enough brand to be a system seller. ALso it seems to be a timed exclusive. Turning it into bullying other console owners.

The only thing that MS gains from this is more haters. Not more customers. I'm for sure not going to buy a Xbox One suddenly. Probably wait for a PC version.

Isnt this game 2 years old now? What a shameless cash-in.

Deus Ex is still one of my favorite games all time. The atmosphere was great, the freedom was good and the story was exceptional.

I can imagine that, war would be terrible and maybe even one sided (Israel again anyone?)

a lot of my friends are Taiwanese, and they hate China. Because it would take away their freedom, their beliefs and identity of being a more progressive country. It is a tricky situation though because some do honor the name of Taiwan, some say it does not exist. Bands like Chthonic for example exist for a reason. Its

The US government does know though. They took a lot of the big shots from the Nazi regime and took them back to their own country under the name of operation paperclip.

Most east Asians come from the same race in the past. Interesting fact, the aboriginal Seediq, after a while even joined the Japanese army as volunteers. Even though there was a rough history between them as well.

There are some similarities regarding using the past to justify current day wrongful actions.

This i not lego anymore. Just a mech that can disassembled. Remember when we actually had to use various blocks together with imagination to make something? Half of this are premade blocks.

I already made my statement, gave my view on this subject, backed it up with links. There is nothing more I can do. For us in Europe it is fairly clear to begin with what China is doing. It might help us to be a third separate party with stronger ties in favor than eachother with either countries to see a clear view

Nice quotes out of context. Like I said with the link provided before, they abandoned their claim. Next to that you are skweing the truth yourself. The reason why they weren't invited was that there wasn't simply 1 Chinese party.

There are also still a lot of Nazi's left, so your point? Think about this, did you ever heard of operation paperclip? Nazi's of high value where taken in by the Americans, Werner von Braun, the V2 inventor that killed a lot of civilians in London, got the first man on the moon in the name of the Americans. Did you

Exactly this, too bad a government is abusing the past sentiments of its people to hide their own corrupt flaws. They better can have Chinese citizens fight the evil Japanese than their own government.

What do you think the Europeans did after WW2? Holland and Germany are now Great partners for example, so are all other neighboring countries. If you have tha tmindset, you can go infinitely go back and start hating everyone and everything. Your logic is flawed. Or else should black people hate me because I am white

So because China already invaded Taiwan multiple times it is okay to do so? Taiwanese people do not want to be ruled by the Chinese, hell even a lot of Taiwanese prefer to be part of Japan. What do the aboriginals for example like the Seediq have to do with China? Taiwan is not China, so China should just stay away

Get your facts straight, they paid a large compensation after WW2, they admitted their warcrimes but only states that other countries did similar atrocities.

There is a difference between simple enjoyment or being obsessed with it. For the Moe reference, I do think (and I am fairly openminded). Having for example a desktop wallpaper of underaged sexualized bt illustrated girls is not healthy. The whole older crowd with their Pony obsession kinda gives me the same feeling.

What disturbs me the most is, that this is aimed at small kids......I know a lot of mature people including me like cartoons. But this is a bit beyond. I have the same feeling about older male anime fans that enjoy Moe anime a bit too much. Which is imo borderlining pedophilia.

No, live what you are preaching.