for Michigan


ok boomer

Oh, no. It’s so good.

Ford Bronco factory circa Spring 2020:

You just KNOW this means that every new Bronco will have people slapping red R decals on the grill.

That looks like a 2.7L EcoBoost. You can see the top of the 2.7EB-only (AFAIK) cartridge style oil filter cap between the two damper reservoirs.

So this pretty much confirms the general shape of the new Bronco... and it looks good! This is going to be very exciting. Looks like the cloth covering it in on the previous teaser wasn’t lying!

Next thing you know, Torch is going to be writing recipes.


They should post another one that says: “I am a former social media account manager.”

So everybody in Editorial is mad about this too. Besides the fact that it looks terrible, we have to actually work in Kinja all day long.

Everything not facing the cold, damp Wisconsin dirt has me reaching for my wallet. But until I see that the frame isn’t gone, the crack pipe rules. The suspiciously low price makes me think there’s no good news down under.

What’s important to me is being able to open an article in Jalopnik without a video autoplaying.

If SUVs are outlawed, then only outlaws will have SUVs.

Black Keys are good bad, you have a bad good take.

Now playing

Look let’s be honest, I’m not even sure what’s music anymore. I blame this audio sandwich

Possibly when it was built, but not when it was designed.

Back when I had a Type 34 Karmann Ghia, I desperately wanted one of those bizarre auto-coffee makers that ran off the cigarette lighter. It just astounded me that an era where no cars had cup holder but vast estates of ashtray would also produce a device that boiled water with no safe place to actually put the