for Michigan

Not really.

I understand its just that the greenery + cinderblock and horrifically rusted car thing just reminds me of my trips to VT.

" not to mention that using the same (outdated) technology for three decades is not beneficial for the customers nor the environment



You've got to elaborate on your criticisms unless you want to be crucified, at least any more than you've already been. Vague, general dislike towards something like this is just going to make people think you're a hipster/hater.

You attitude is irritating. You ruined the GOOD point you were trying to make by sounding childish. *Edit Petulant was the word I was searching for

Not a sheep? Haha. Oh my, certainly edgy aren't we? Your opinion to have, bro.

Going out on a limb here, a lot of people are going to disagree.

Whatever. Its your opinion. You're still wrong though:P

I don't know if this quite counts, but I always thought it was a great prank:


I've learned to stop getting worked up about these. Every change comes in phases -

It's leisurely, not dreadfully slow. There's a difference. Most people under normal commuting conditions don't accelerate even that fast.

Dale Senior is the one that died. The one the won today is his son Dale Jr.

but.. I LIKE banjos... AND bagpipes..

What's wrong with banjos and fiddles?

I was using "hipster" when it meant way more than it does now. You people have really cheapened my use of the word.