
Congratulations!! I hope you are celebrating, Lana del in-the-Black!

Hey-now’s thoughts Exactly. Weinstein and his hollywood cohort outed in the sexual predator advent calendar are doing great! *Excellent* take

As an Ontarian-by-birth-US-resident with an affinity for repping our province’s musicians Hard, ill just say that after that horrible Trump endorsement she’s harder to support than Bieber. BIEBER.

Ill say agsik, from the rather giant number if us screen watchers not into the good Dr., Matt Who?

Yeegawds that man is a national treasure.

And like, to lean in heavily on some stereotypes, isnt meat one of the few things straught men are geverally prificiebt at preparing. On a bbq at the very least?

Ugh! I’m sorry to hear that! It’s difficult to remain engaged with a venue that doesn’t welcome one into its fold, isn’t it?! And yet, there are some hateful posters for whom it seems the welcome mat has been generously unfurled.

I’m going to be brave in a speak-into-the-void type way and say I feel very left out on this site. I’ve been commenting for years, have never been taken out of the greys, and I feel like I’m just not cool or funny or whatever enough to be included as a full member of the site.

Serious Q: Why would wearing something to accomodate your new natural hair/your mental health put you in the cultural appropriation realm of falsely claiming to be a minority race and altering your appearing specifically to support that claim?! Tame those curls, girl! 💗

YOU DON’T!!! You don’t pay much more at allllll.

Yas. Him and LMM please.

Oooooooooooh look at what a good feminist you are

Moxies wishes!

Why not both? ¯ \_(ツ)_/¯

In the context of this particular instance I think this guy could perhaps use the same non aggressive communication skills with his colleagues that he’s used to successfully interact w guests.

Ahahahaha! Milestones. Right up there with Earls and whatever that third interchangeable faux fine dining chain is called.

I was 7 when that came out so I’ll admit to never having thought about it before.

Yep, obviously dude, just as much an impact on salary as institutionalized racism/sexism ;)

If your insufferable tone is in any way representative of your personality, then I pity anyone so unfortunate as to have to interact with you irl. Good grief.