
I think Snapchat is actually genetically Kardashian, iirc. It’s all in the family.

Ha! Tell that to 1990's undiagnosed MDD teen me; I’m not sure how “eliminating” then nonexistent tech would have helped.

As someone whose been sexually assaulted and is active in the #MeToo movement, I’d like to wish you a hearty F*ck You for saying such shitty things. :)

Yes, aside from Virtue and Moir, Savchenko and Massot taking the gold, and the Shibsibs, those were pretty great moments

Ok well then. The masses have cleeeeearly spoken.

Reese I’m a US Citizen Witherspoon?!

ahahahahahah Yes.

I hardly need to quote Ali Wong to point out that Asians can be disrespectful towards each other.

This is heartbreaking. This is not rational, kind, or loving behaviour.

Exactly, and Im not sure what space we should be reserving on a feminist blog for negative subjective opinions regarding other people’s fashion choices.

I totally respect your heritage, and I’m not saying you were being intentional, but it was dismissive of Chinese culture per a Chinese person who read this and your last post.

Seriously though, it’s Chinese New Year. I showed the comment to my Chinese housemate and she said only a golum would say such a thing.

She was sooooooo excited that she kept jumping up and down like the veritable pixie of strength and grace that she is.

I am side eyeing your criticism of a Chinese man wearing a cultural symbol. That’s gross.

Their physique is a result of their natural ability and dedication to the sport, of course, but also is because they are prisoners of their state, and just like everyone else in North Korea, they must perform their task, or be imprisoned or killed.

Why exactly are we complaining about being able to return expensive products that may not work the way they were advertised, or which may cause rashes, allergic reactions, etc? All kinds of companies manage this without being disgusting about it.

Awwwww! It’s just tape? At least it’s not a bruise, which was my first thought.

This is a great year for skating! Conversely, team USA is so damn impressive that I’m just going to cheer for the whole the continent.

Who are you referring to?

So maybe as someone so admittedly out of the loop, you’re nothing really in a position to be so dismisssive and critical?