
For fucks sake, as much of a scumbag he is, Marco Rubio has been the only person in this campaign who hasn’t likened Muslims to terrorists, killers of your children and rapists of your wives. Can we just fucking stop? He mentioned how much they contributed to our communal country. Christian, Muslim, whatever. Look, I

Forgive me but what did Rubio say that was so wrong? He didn’t say he wanted Muslims to convert, he stated that a Christian missionary couple who was in a Muslim country was met with kindness from Muslims. Am I missing something here?

Its almost like people with tempers or impulse control issues should be the de facto shooter profile and not the mentally ill.

I think it’d be an interesting idea if during storms Seamless/Grubhub/any other online food ordering sites put up a little notice on the payment & tip page being like, “FYI - it’s terrible outside and the weather is definitely making your delivery person’s job difficult! Since he or she depends on tips, won’t you


He always speaks like a college student losing steam while writing his final paper and trying desperately to make the word count by just restating the same thing over and over in different ways

This was totally like my wedding, only we were inspired by CarTalk. Our performance artists wore vintage muscle car transmissions on their heads and in retrospect the whole thing would have been far less tragic had we not insisted that they get in the pool.

It seems extreme that simply recalling the first name — while otherwise using the feminine pronoun throughout, and never calling today’s Caitlyn Bruce instead — would be “transphobic.” It’s getting to egg-shelly around here.

Yes, but the punchline of Gervais’s joke wasn’t that women are bad drivers. Personally I thought the joke was a lot more clever than people have given him credit for. Jenner is the same person she was before, so the suggestion that now when she has a car accident this is because women are bad drivers is surely mocking

I think you should do al little research on Gervais. He’s actually pretty progressive. He’s a humanist and is very very supportive to LGBTQ rights. “You can’t take equality ‘too far’”. A big part of comedy (especially his style of comedy) is to be controversial and get a rise out of people. I only watched part of the

Obviously my use of obviously and culturist and just a total lack of taste and logic and intelligence lodged in the hater centre of your brain before it could reach the ironic humour centre of your noggin... But still when he uses mong its kinda funny! I think it’s funny cuz it’s just a bit where he is for a moment

But you used to get a number of bonus dolls with your Soviet Girl dolls; that must have been cool.

Agree. I think he was funny as hell the last time he hosted. Didn’t see this one yet but imagine he managed to offend every vapid idiot in there. He gives so fucks and I like it.

Gervais just ended the show by saying ’From me and Mel Gibson ‘Shalom!’

Not really getting where the hate for Gervais is coming from. To me he remains a great example of the comedian who always punches up and never punches down.

Mumbling is a long standing, venerable BBC tradition, if those moody murder mysteries are anything to go by.

This isn’t directed at you but I feel it’s important to note that not all older kids that have ended up in foster care are severely damaged. Kids end up in foster care for all kinds of reasons at all different stages of their lives. Kids that are raised in loving homes since birth can bottom out and become IV drug

Well, have you worked with many foster kids? A lot of them have really serious emotional (and sometimes physical) problems. It's heartbreaking, and all children deserve a loving home, and I think it is wonderful that Bullock has done this- especially since she has the resources to help the little girl out with any

Glastonbury Festival in London

I know it stole mine