Thanks, Trump.
Thanks, Trump.
It is amazing how bad Nissan, the company, comes off. I know Nissan is a massive company and that they want that domain name for the business, but Mr. Nissan had it first. It’s nice to see a person would devote so much money and effort to defend something on principal. In that regard, he is a much better person than…
This hour-long race was more entertaining than the entire 2019 F1 season combined.
1) Attempt to scroll the first page. 2) Hit the bottom and think something wrong happened with the page loading. 3) Realize it’s yet another one of these beloved unnecessary galleries. 4) Click Print to be able to read the whole article in a traditional format. 5) Click fast to the end to comment (or reply to a…
That’s gonna trigger a whole lot of good ol’ boys.
As carbs are terrible*, what about swapping a self-learning EFI system onto this beast?
Fortunately, we’ve only had 4 cases out of 70k residents, with those numbers having stayed the same since the beginning of April and none of those cases having come from my workplace.
Annnnd...we know who’s voting for Trump come November.
Oh, I’m so afraid of big man diesel blowing his dumb fucking soot at me. Really got me there!
Look, I get it, some of you guys think that cars are killing the planet,
No, pretty much anyone who has scientific knowledge in this area agrees that cars are killing the planet. Don’t try to downplay it because it doesn’t align with your view that you need a monster truck to get to work.
I absolutely can and absolutely will complain about 18 mpg. That is truly unacceptable.
Just use a passport. Done. California’s roll out of RealID’s have been a total clusterfuck.
I would set a tax rate on carbon emission and turn around and use the proceeds for electric car infrastructure development. The biggest issue with electric cars is infrastructure. Imagine if tomorrow we had a modern power grid that could actually support the electricity demands from a significant amount of…
You can love a thing, be enthusiastic about it, and write well about it but find it inconvenient or find a lack of desire or ability to do basic things with it, especially if it’s your appliance.
Foodies are enthusiastic about food, but many don’t like dealing with the dishes that come with cooking their own.
Pulling through is fine, I do it from time to time, but for whatever reason, the one that gets me, is people [usually of a certain demo] who *always* have to park ass-in first. I just find that very annoying, especially in a busy lot, where you have a bunch of other cars waiting. It just feels like total posing. It’s…
I think the problem isn’t just ‘needing a computer’. If I remember right, it’s like dealer only diagnostic tools with cars. It’s that it has to be a Deere authorized mechanic with a proprietary set of hardware that they won’t sell you, and you can’t just use any old laptop.
Yeah, here’s a quote from one of the earlier…
As someone with a 2013 60kwh Model S, whose range is ~170 miles, I encounter some sort of need to hit a charger about twice a year. If my range was 300 miles, as the newer models are, that number drops to zero. The difference between zero and two isn’t great, but it’s hugely mitigated by the availability of…