
I believe that was total equity, not cash.

Wow. Just thinking how sad a game could be if it were Stardew Valley, but set in the Dust Bowl.

DETAILS. You can't expect the modern ultra-blog to care about little things like that.

So African-Americans were ‘stripped’ of rock’n’roll. What are the mechanics of that?

Like how tempura originally came from Portugal, or tonkatsu sauce is derived from Worcestershire.

Aww, man. I was expecting a hard-hitting expose on which puppies are racist, which ones are JUST THE WORST, and perhaps speculation on which ones are gay.
<sigh> I miss Gawker.

And THIS is what happens when you don’t regularly sync the code base & merge probably, INTERN.”

“He hasn’t been able to create growth in his own company in the last 20 years except by buying more successful but smaller companies.”

Uh, so he hasn’t been able to keep his company growing except by doing something that sustains the growth of his company. Err... 

Please realize that the effective tax rate in the 1950s was much, much lower.

Keep fighting for the proletariat, Splinter! YOU CAN DO IT.

“I support President Trump."

I'm happy that finally someone has the guts to shame minors on a national stage. Bravo, & true to the Gawker spirit.


Seriously, there are so many iconic aircraft, crazy prototypes, & just-missed-the-war aircraft that would be totally cool in an Ace Combat game. 

What are the chances that was placeholder art that slipped through?

Do the HDMI inputs support PS4 Pro at 4K?

Do the HDMI inputs support PS4 Pro at 4K?

How come I MAME & I don’t know that game??? Is it any good?

They made a good case that parts of their game were actually copied though.

I don’t think they would have had a case, if Fighter’s History was a precedent.

I wasn’t denying it was an established IP. Probably shouldn’t have used quotes. My point was that it was defunct, and that Stardock wanted to resurrect the series. I’m totally on board with that, and wish a lot of older series from long dead companies would get resurrected.

I agree. Releasing a 2nd game like that would go a long way to rebuilding trust. I wouldn’t buy whatever their 2nd game is without careful consideration too.

I don’t think management at Bethesda has dramatically changed though, has it? We can expect any sane company to want to make as much money as they can. I think