
Konami: Gleefully self-destructing at every opportunity.

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If y’all missed the boat on this one...

Saw him play with Marky Ramone. One of the best shows I’ve ever been to.

There are trends though that should, in the long term, help drive costs down. Many games going for a ‘realistic’ look can quickly produce high-quality assets with photogrammetry, engines such as Unreal & Unity are cheap, powerful alternatives to in-house solutions, and cloud computing offers the ability to offload

The future is PBR, so I’d like to see vastly increased VRAM and the latest shader model supported. It would also be nice to see a native .NET implementation & wireless HDMI capability.

Fix our immigration system. Don’t encourage it to be circumvented. Those migrants are encouraged to undertake a journey none of them are prepared for. It is disgusting how many of them will be raped, assaulted, robbed, kidnapped, tortured, killed, or simply disappear.

There is evidence that many of the mass killings

Assuming nothing happens to them, their experience will be in the minority. The statistics for migrants travelling through Mexico are horrific: it is estimated 80% will be violently assaulted and/or robbed, 60% of women will be raped on the journey, and mass kidnappings occur on a regular basis (in 2010, just over 200

I am not for anything encouraging migrants to undertake the horrific journey through Mexico required to reach our borders.

Central American migrants fleeing violence probably don’t realize the horrific journey they must take through Mexico. It is estimated 80% will be robbed & assaulted & 60% of women will be raped. Then there are mass kidnappings whose annual totals eclipse 10,000 individuals, and the occasional massacre of dozens who

And the M1919 B.A.R. was available to civilians as well.

You’re right. A year later, guns that were even more capable of mass destruction were available, such as the M1919 B.A.R. Browning Automatic Rifle, available for civilian purchase. Far more lethal than an AR-15.

Aww, man. At first I thought ‘this comment surely can’t be real’. Then I kept reading & it got even sillier! Way to pull it off so straight! +1

They are getting J- games out to multiple platforms rather quickly these days. Anyone know what engines they are using? I’m guessing Unreal or Unity.

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Right?? Bands have crazy histories. Like the Goo Goo Dolls started off as a pure punk band. Wha...?!! Even the Beastie Boys were a hardcore punk band at one time. And Ministry started off as synthpop...

I’m down with those bands. Kraftwerk was something else... quite the forerunners.

Weird how that band morphed into New Order.

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Ahh, post-punk legends & gothic rock forerunners.

Not my favorite of theirs though. That would be the 12-inch version of ‘She’s Lost Control’.

Hrm. Do you like any similar post-punk or gothic rock? Is it the voice, maybe?

Their Warsaw stuff is fairly different from their typical sound. Have you checked that out?

Goddamn it! I got no work done today AND missed my ride home. I’m blaming you. You can PayPal me the Lyft fare home!!!!!! :P

If you can use the voice files any which way you want once bought, then there’s no market for the voice actors anymore at all, since if there’s enough material, you can cut and paste whole new dialogue with the voice of the actors.