
I’m willing to take a guess:

Russian. Trolls.

What, no Bazoongas trait?

My wife & I used to discuss making a “That Time of the Month” trait to Fallout 4, for female characters. The trait would give negative charisma stats, a bonus combat modifier to males, and sporadic “cramp” penalties. Eating certain foods would alleviate negative modifiers somewhat, as well as

“Latinx Americans”


Let me introduce you to Turbosquid, Gametextures, CgTrader, Allgorithmic, & Megascans. All sell extremely high quality assets that are used in top tier products.

I’ll give it another chance. Sometimes you’re just not in the right headspace to enjoy something, you know?

Okay, it has been on some number of years to positive reviews. When it first came on, I watched the first two episodes and immensely disliked it.

And yet, a lot of dev shops I’ve been at think that advice doesn’t apply to them. :\

You’re right... at the end of the day, a game is software & success comes from treating it as such.

Maybe it’s the heady nature of Kickstarter.

Small, inexperienced studios who can’t get the backing of a publisher promise a cool game with a ton of features. Folks are excited and dump money on the campaign. Then the studio finds itself in over its head. :(

Here are some critical elements for successful indie game development:

1. PLAN, PLAN, PLAN. Appropriate legwork will pay off in dividends later in development.

Speaking of, I just went to EA’s screenshot page for the game. Those are absolutely the worst screenshots I’ve ever seen a company present.

It’s actually off Ukraine’s property line.

Less than half of the Black Sea coastline (legally) belongs to Russia.

I’ve never met a native Mexican who agrees. They do like the shopping there, though.

You mean Ukraine’s backyard.

A search on Google images shows that there are no genitals on the model in question, and the nipples could he explained in several ways, including reusing the base texture map from Heavy Rain.

Remember some time ago when folks were claiming the PC gaming was dying?

Wait, that was a quote from Friends?? :0