
I, for one, applaud the Kremlin’s promotion of independent video games. Maybe next they’ll start actually reviewing them.

GOD. Can you imagine if all white people started self-identifying differently? This website woild have nothing to write about.

I don’t know if I’m a supertaster, but I can’t stand IPAs. Gross, super bitter sludge. And raw tomatoes are bitterly gross too and cilantro tastes like soap.

Yup. :)

In all seriousness, I’d like to see someone take on the Korean War.

You’re preaching to the choir. I’m still waiting for Call of Duty: The Aleutian Hell.

I’m proud that race relations in the United States have improved to such an extent that a website like yours can choose to focus on whether or not a cafe racistly gave out Halloween candy.

I consider a lot of things to be fishy. That doesn’t mean I think the Republican party can pull off a domestic false flag attack when they can’t get anything else done.

Reading the comments here, I’d think this article was about Trump rather than an radical douchebag crushing people to death.

Bless your innocent soul, you think they could keep it secret if they did.

Everything we do will be barbaric in 300+ years. There are no modern figures who will stand the test of time.

It’s quite shocking how many people here approve of beating a child.

“Racism could end, if the races start procreating with each other”

OMG. High school teenagers doing stupid shit? I am shocked, absolutely SHOCKED. I am glad that a major, multi-million dollar website brought light to the fact that, somewhere in this nation of 320,000,000, this was happening. With the information you provided, I’m off to dox & swat them at this very moment!

I love the worldbuilding. Blade Runner 2049 screams for a TV spinoff, at least to me.

If they’re white Puerto Ricans flyin’ the three red stripes?

Only white men are racist? That headline sounds sexist.

What? We aren’t going to count Antietam?

They were noticeably long for me, too.

That’s what I meant. I had just read the word “Inhumans” right before I typed. :(

YEAH! When it comes to board games, I always show people what a hideous beast this is. The photographs on Board Game Geek of the board in comparison with a child... amazing.