
Clio V6

Maybe not the best, but there’s one little oddball that’s always had a place in my heart — the Mazda 323 GTX AWD Turbo. So over-achieving for its time (1989) but also so understated. I’ve only ever saw one once in the wild; it was zipping up a mountain road in Colorado.

Billions of people around the globe will soon be buying products proudly stamped ‘Made in the USA.’”

“Trump has died” will be the most beautiful sentance I will ever here. Its amazing how that fat orange tub of shit hasn’t had a massive coronary yet.

He’s one stupid mother fucker.  

So if I am ever speeding in Irvine, the best way to lose the cops is to drive through a carwash?

Since when does a police department actually pay for a “community engagement” vehicle? Around me they’re all either cars seized from drug dealers or free surplus MRAPs.

“Kamala Harris wants to turn America into Venezuela!” shreiks the candidate also running on a platform of government-controlled commodities pricing, a policy that was at the core of Venezuela’s economic collapse.

Add radiation protection problem to the list.

The prolonged exposure to cosmic radiation needs to be addressed too. Not sure how much shielding is required for the ship, the lander, and the habitat. I suspect the best plan is to find a cave or some other natural shield on mars and camp out there.

How. Do. You. Think. They. Got. Rich?

One way.

So what would we actually need to do in order to go to mars?

Translation: My rent-seekin’ ass won’t be able to soak the US Treasury for this shit if Kamala is elected.

If I ever get around to writing a history of GM, it would probably be entitled “....and then GM fucked it up.”

I’ve been saything this since like 2016.

GM is the undisputed champion of ruining their own good ideas. The kings of the ‘concept of a plan.’

I am still utterly baffled that GM fucked over Saturn so bad. Its especially bad because when Saturn first came out, the marketing that went into it was pretty ingenious. Keep in mind this was in the late 80s, early 90's before people had as easy of a time researching things online but anyway, I’m old enough to

Don’t get dumped while using your BumperDumper.