
Boomer-ass post. 

Fuck off.

Donald J. Trump administration added $8 Trillion to our National Debit.

keep the sensational adjectives and editorializing out of it unless you do it to both sides.

If Trump utters sounds they are probably ( most certainly ) very stupid ideas.

Seriously? They thought this might have been legit?

This guy has two average looking beards. Both have good shape but the face ruins it.

What do you mean "until"? SovCit twits make up a disproportionately large percentage of people who shoot at cops during traffic stops

Hmm seems like publicly stating you don’t pay taxes is a good way to end up on the IRS’s radar.

I mean...I’d absolutely let Nick Offerman be a three-term president.

Well, about those Crusades ...

I am shocked, shocked I say, to learn that this guy is a Republican. /s

There have been plenty of cities, neighbourhoods, etc. that from time to time have a massive car-break-in problem, and people often respond by leaving their cars unlocked so that would-be thieves can have a quick rummage (without smashing any windows) and move along to the next car. Those types are looking not to

Why? Why are your material things, likely covered by insurance, worth ending a life over?

Ah yes, the Toronto Police - the same folks who basically held our mayor hostage because she gave them a smaller multi-million dollar ($7.4M) increase to the police budget than they demanded ($20M).

Texas AG right about now...
“Ohhhhh Yeah!”

She wasn’t going to win a star-power fight with Carl Weathers, Amy Poehler, Grogo’s puppeteer, or anyone else on that show. Maybe if she went against the teens on the weird rainbow scooters....

just publish all of texas representatives search history. i already use their names when i go to distilleries to get around the 2 bottle a month law. they have raised it to 4 recently. 

Pedro Pascal has so much goodwill to burn right now, it’s insane. After Fantastic Four, he might be rivaling Tom Hanks.

You come for the Zaddy, you will not win.