
or how about a sequel that’s also a reboot and a sequel to another movie:

Emperor Nero ain’t got shit on me!

A sequel to Gladiator makes exactly as much sense as making a sequel to Inglorius Basterds

I didn’t even realize this was opening weekend, and I say that as someone who is interested in seeing this since I enjoyed the first one.

I loved him in everything, but his Chief Irvin on Bosch was fantastic. A complicated role that he navigated beautifully; it was a pleasure to watch him and Titus Welliver act the hell out of a scene together.

He’ll always be Cedric Daniels to me.

This is so damn sad. He was the glue that held together most of The Wire, and just stood out as so genuine and unique from all other actors in everything he did.

I don’t think I was able to properly sleep for days after watching s3.1 where they introduce the fetish killer.

Awww...that’s so cute! A little “Z” for Zendaya.

“Dark” doesn’t even cut it when it comes to the scene where the families come together in the mansion.  I won’t say anything else, but Mrs. JoshLLP and I were watching and both our jaws hit the floor, and we’ve seen all the ‘Luther’s to-date.  That was a new level of dark, even for this series.  

Season 2 was so dark. The randomness of the brothers and the sheer evil of the “Mythical London” guy are just phenomenally scary villains.  Without even getting into Alice, whose first season darkness seems quaint by the time you end season 2.  

When a band gets as big as U2, there will be a backlash. So many songs that were monster radio hits - you really couldn’t escape them in the late 80s and 90s. And Bono’s earnestness made him easy to mock.

I’m going to get a powerball ticket. In the slim chance that I win I’m buying this monstrosity. 

I liked the show but it was kind of a whitewashed view of what it was like to be a lesbian at the time. Sure, the gay bar gets raided, and people have to sneak around to avoid looking too overtly lesbiany, but everyone who was gay was happy to be gay, and no one was doubting their sexuality or were confused about it.

Achtung baby is arguably their best album so its for sure worth revisiting. Its also probably the last truly “great” U2 record. Everything after has its moments (sometimes lots of them) but Achtung is the last one that does it for me all the way through. 


Dude’s really named Sam Bank-Fraud

I see now that my comment was not clear, sorry. I meant that I was disappointed in SBF’s lack of creativity in his criminality. Not the government’s choice in what to prosecute him for. I just find it mundane that his crime was shifting funds between two linked companies, then giving himself those funds after moving

All that fancy technology and lack of regulation or oversight, and the best they can do is run-of-the-mill embezzlement.