
Ah Maxime Bernier, what happens when you teach a tantrum-throwing toddler how to be racist.

Fellating O’Toole is bad enough.

Oh god the National Post. Their fellating of Erin O’Toole right now would be embarrassing if they possessed an ounce of shame.

That National Post article reminds me how bonkers Conrad Black’s publications are. They make the NY Post seem like NPR.

You can think this dude is funny, talented and trying his best. But he is also a douche bag. This dude is pulling a “Phoenix rising from the ashes” story line after dumping his wife and immediately knocking up the next thing that blinked at him. The same ex wife he praised for supporting him through his prior issues

I don’t think he’s been happy at Mercedes. But on the other hand, if you offered them Bottas’ palmares to date, most drivers on the grid would bite your hand off for his career. Or more to the point, almost every ex-driver would bit your hand off!

El Salvador’s GDP is worth less than the change in my car’s cupholder so it’s not that big a deal.

all cryptos (and NFTs) only have 2 uses
1: facilitating illegal transactions (drug buys, money laundering etc)
b: as a casino for speculators

Because I know if I ran a county I’d want Elon Musk getting stoned and making a tweet to be able to wipe out a fifth of my GDP.

First, and I hate to insult somebody like this, but El Salvador’s president looks like the Wish version of Trump Jr.

I don’t get the Bottas hate- in the last 5 years he’s finished the season 3rd, 5th, 2nd, 2nd and he’s currently 3rd in standings - giving Lewis the Drivers, and Mercedes the Constructors in the same 5 years. What more do you want?

Did Bottas not win enough in a pretty unbeatable Merc? Yes. Did he have an opportunity to win? Not really.

Compared to Maze(s)pin, Stroll has actually done far better than anyone could have expected of a rich kid whose daddy bought him his race seat.


The land cruiser is slightly better at Jihad, but the Hilux is still adequate

Andy better hopes he pre-deceases his mother, because Charles will hang him out to dry to protect himself. Best bet for Andy is that he is ordered into Exile on somewhere like Tristan Da Cunha or the Falklands, any of the few rocks the Brits still own that normal folks can’t really get to. Or maybe Boris the Binbag

“It’s worse than Tiger Woods, worse than Kevin Spacey and worse than Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky—put together.”

It helped the role was played by Paul Sorvino. His delivery was just perfect.

the moment when he and the g-man are both gunning down Nazis, look at each other... *shrug* keep killin’ Nazis.