
Wouldn't it be grosser if it wasn't?

Talking about swabbed by explosive. I was frequently stopped for more inspection of my backpack at security check. Once in Paris, I finally asked what created this addition search. I use to carry Mars bar in it (I have issue with dropped sugar). They told me it has the same density as C4. For then on, I carry my Mars

Ask for an oil check - risk getting a prostate exam.

It was my first trip to Canada back in my early 20's. My then live in girlfriend, now wife of over 20 years, were pulling up to the border to the drive up window. I had both our passports in my hand. I pulled up and rolled down the window and saw this STUNNINGLY Gorgeous Canadian Border Agent. She was so unexpectedly

Traveling to Greece (Athens). Before leaving I had my long hair and mustache cut, and week before I dropped my eyeglasses for contact lenses. Passport didn’t reflect that, of course. Once landed in Athens, we were greeted with the militia with automatic machine guns (being a Canadian, never saw a machine gun in my

I’m not gonna write out the whole thing, but I will say that (even pre-9/11) it’s not a great idea to ask Canadian border guards to check your oil when they are looking under the hood of your car for contraband. They find it less funny than they should. 

Not embarassing, but I spent the night in no-man’s-land hoping there was no guerilla attack that night...

I required coking through much of the 1980's.

Yeah I’ll knock it as well. It’s indefensibly stupid.

It’s that woo-WOO.  Then you got the woooWOOOOOOOO!

Especially the bro.

I’ll knock it. Those people have Munchausen by proxy, but are harming a car for attention instead of a child.

Basically anything attached to a brodozer

To get investors to... well, invest.

This is every Minnesota Vikings season since 1977.

What’s the point of unveiling something that will probably never happen?

Nonono, it was much more stupid, he and Grimes were watching “Mitchells vs the Machines” and on a bet he decided that making the Pal Max robot for real would be really neat.

You want Geth?  Because this is how you end up with Geth.

Is Musk a graduate of Greendale Community College?

It always bugs me when people think of Roddenberry as this font of brilliant, original ideas when his real talent was finding and assembling creative writers and producers like Fontana and Coon who could do interesting things with his concepts. If you look at the original Star Trek or TNG almost all of his scripts