
i love that we just duct tape them to the seats like wild animals.  i hope i get to see this next week when i fly.  i wanna write on the duct tape like a cast on a broken arm.  

Amusing that he thinks his parents’ net worth of $2mil is a flex.

Put Ben Mendelsohn in all the Tolkien things okthxbai

I didn’t know Director Krennick was going to be in this. Cool!

Oh, yikes, man. Bad take.

In the video she asks the question, people in the crowd cheer and the men on the panel looks chastened. Then men in the audience start booing loudly and you can see the panel become emboldened to start openly making fun of her. There is a lessen here about the fact that the misogyny in the game industry is reinforced

It was February 1984 that my sister was killed by a drunk driver.

If he would have just complied...

This is one of those incredibly stupid rules that makes F1 hard to watch.

This is one of those situations that ruins racing. The FIA even stated that AM cant argue that this didnt give them an unfair advantage, as thats not a reason to appeal... that should be the ENTIRE appeal.

Boston, where, as my Icelandic friend put it, “They are even racist to the wrong kind of white people.

The fact that multiple cars were parking it on the in-lap should be reason enough that the red flag and restart was an undue circumstance for the whole field. Nevermind what a stupid reason this is for a DQ. Letter of law is important but come tf on. And this only makes it look even stupider that Bottas’ got a measly

If they need some help, the Russian urine-stealing-and-replacement operation could provide some guidance.

Red Bull <...> vendetta against Mercedes

Why would you want to see a different version of Rogue One

I read the Matt Damon thing elsewhere and the comments were all “How is this still happening?”

Personally, I’m supporting all these “director’s cut” films. Partly to show support to the directors, and partly a reminder to studios that studio and business direction almost always degrade an art.

I’d be much more interested in this than I was in the Snyder cut. I’d probably watch this.

Yeah, 10-place penalty at least would be better, or even just starting him from pit lane.