
Rand Paul is a moron. I wouldn’t touch his scientific analysis with a 10 foot pole, let alone seek treatment from him as an (ex)medical practitioner.

Next time they meet, Fauci should show up with Rand Paul’s neighbor at his side.

Paul's goal wasn't to actually get Fauci charged. It was only to go on the propaganda channel and SAY he was pushing for charges.

If this were in Texas, people would have started shooting at the floodwater or something.

Ain’t nobody gonna look “right” sportin’ a ‘stacheless long goatee and a mullet... ok maybe Danny McBride.

We typed it “Alboned” with an emphasis on “boned” but yes, same.

My group text with friends who watch F1 was basically memes of Alex Albon having PTSD as the crash happened.

Sometimes my own comments don’t show up, much less the replies.

Just hearing about these rules make me want to tongue-fuck a nun out of spite.

The main problem here is that on the line Hamilton was taking, and at the point he braked, he wouldn’t have made the corner. You can see after he hits Verstappen that he doesn’t even come close to making the corner in any meaningful way. He deliberately overcooked the corner knowing he’d run into Max.

huh...i thought it was the welsh that were sheep fuckers

If Hamilton was another 5ft forward and the contact occurred between Hamilton’s front tire and the middle of Max’s chassis, I’d agree it’s a racing incident.  But being that it was front tire to rear tire, it was Hamilton’s fault.  He is diving up the inside, where it’s essentially a blind spot to the forward driver,

Max was ahead and had the right to the entire track width in the corner, yet still left plenty of room for Hamilton inside.

Colliding at high speed with another driver is not a Schumacher thing to do.

Find it kinda low of people calling it just a racing incident.

Well, at least we have this small consolation: No English F1 fan can ever say again that Damon Hill was robbed of the 1994 F1 Championship.

Wanna know how I know Max was in front of Lewis?

Point of contact. Max’s corner. Lewis should have backed out.

“Everything’s Big(ger)oted in Texas!”