
2nd Gear: Hydrogen is making its way in Quebec (gas stations are getting equipped with H pumps in certain areas) due to the high availability of hydroelectricity for clean H (not sure about Europe, how do they get the power for electrolysis? -Nuclear? Coal?).

First Gear: I am SHOCKED to find that a company with a gold presidential seal of endorsement would have financial problems a short time later. /s

How on earth is this out of the grays?

Pretty much the bottom of the American publics list of buying criteria.

I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. The best thing law makers can do is to work with the EU and Asia to consolidate safety and environment rules across countries. European vehicles have had requirements for pedestrian safety for a while.

At some point we need to address sightlines. If you can’t see a person walking in the crosswalk you are stopped at or you can hide a whole car in the blind spot in front 0f your grill, your vehicle needs some serious changes.

And that’s better than OverTheCanon

Sounds like something Apple would do with their “aging” iPhones

thats a luxury want not a need. its not the standard.

Toyota brought us the Prius, and Ford is bringing us the F150 EV,

Yeah, any country that levies criminal penalties against citizens who criticize the ruling family is all sorts of wrong. Well, any country led by a ruling family is already wrong to start with, but I digress.

Ugh. I recycled my yearbooks a decade ago after I realized that I didn't get a shit about any of the people in them. Honestly, I haven't spoken to anyone from my highschool in over 20 years nor have I had any desire to go down memory lane.

Would it be possible to get these Photoshop geniuses to go back in time and “touch up” my own yearbook photo form 1985?  Preferably by replacing it with a large question mark?

If I’m entirely honest, I think the fact that the racing at Monaco is ass in the modern era is the perfect encapsulation of Formula One. Like, the series has outgrown this stuff and yet still desperately holds onto tradition for no reason other than it's what they've always done. 

I came here to make that joke, but then I actually read those 3 articles, and wow, As cranky as I’ve been about the quality of writing here, those are on an entirely different plane of awful. They’re bad from a human being perspective.

Would it be too much to ask for an infographic?

This really sucks for Paul Sun-Hyung Lee, who had Kim’s Convenience cancelled out from under him and then got Gina Caranoed out of Disney+ Star Wars show.

For the record, Disney, I would watch the hell out of Lee as the lead character in Rangers of the New Republic. There are tons of westerns about older gunslingers,

GAH I had nuns on the mind and read this as Christopher Plummer lol.

They’re building a whole new plant in the US and concentrating on crossovers. They’re not leaving the US. 

It’s feels so weird that the prior generation of oldies wanted large but low sedans as their retirement vehicles. Would they have also gone coocoo for crossovers if those had existed back in the day?