
I am quite glad AV Club writers dislike him. Anyone reasonable would.

Or we could just rescind the tax break the last president gave them.

I’ve been working on my asian cooking skills and my go to channels for that are Souped Up Recipes, Chinese Cooking Demystified, Palin’s Kitchen and Marion’s Kitchen. Souped Up Recipes is the channel that convinced me to try more and different ingredients from our local asian market instead of substituting western

I, too, was mostly satisfied with Centrist & The Disaster Bi. But hoo-boy is the apparent half-rehabilitation of Walker into Sam The Slightly Homicidal Eagle not going to play well. 

[Obligatory “That rug really tied the room together” comment.]

The only full autonomous car belongs to Knight Industries, and even they are having big problems with their Automated Roving Robot prototype.

I’ve seen Barbarella. That’s a lucky bear.

Tim Horton’s Dutchies

I’m going to open up some kind of “influencer hotel” that caters to influencers. However, behind the door to each room is a pit full of alligators.

I hope you immediately opened a store nearby selling all manner of sanitizing materials at an incredible markup. 

My arm is getting tired from verifying your story...

I’d have taken it apart to its final spring/cpu.  You want it back- all the pieces are there unbroken.  Some re-assembly required.

Drop it down a storm drain.

Step 1: remove tracking device

I would like you to stand in front of all of the families in Detroit (and all the other cities) that made the world move, made the economy rebound after multiple wars, and built economies around it.

That US railways have always ended up being public funded but not public owned has certainly done them no favors wrt public acceptance.

The economy rebounded because of a massive influx of public spending for the war effort and that the US didn’t have its infrastructure destroyed by a massive groundwar and/or nuclear bombs. Not because “Detroit” was building better/more efficient/etc., cars.

Have they seen an image like this? It really illustrates how public transit can make their traffic better.

Christopher Lloyd is an under-rated actor. That is a Hell of a monolog that sounds like something that could be a show stopper during a high end Shakespearian festival.

Came for this.  As a person who maybe uses the freeway once every two or three months or so, I say, buy local, shop local.  And yes I realize that the raw materials I buy come from afar, at least I don’t have to add one more person to the traffic.