
He’s a rich guy who comes from money. Of course he doesn’t get public transportation.

4400 people an hour.

No one said it couldn’t be done. People said it was over priced and less efficient then existing transit options.
Everyone knew it could be done, its just pointless and dumb

Eh I wouldn’t be so sure. This is the last year of Russell’s deal with Williams. If Toto doesn’t move him into the top team or at least find a seat with Mclaren/Aston (which seems unlikely given their current lineups, but it’s F1 so who knows) there’s a good chance he jumps ship to another manufacturer. He’s too good

We’re really lowering the bar if 16 passengers is supposed to be impressive. An ordinary subway car seats about 40 people, not including the straphangers. I always wonder if Musk just doesn’t get public transportation, or if he does - hates it - and envisions his Boring tubes as a way of moving the privileged few

whats that, elon musk oversold something??? thats out of character.  for all this is doing it couldve just been made a pedestrian tunnel.

Sounds boring.

I can see Hamilton retiring from F1 at the end of the year, if he wins his 8th championship. With that and over 100 race wins, he’d have nothing left to prove.

Kevin Durant, who was last seen getting fined $50,000 for calling some attention-starved white boy a “pale pasty cum guzzling bitch,” made his triumphant return to the court last night. Did you hear?

You don’t? Just wait for it to come to streaming. The window is constantly shrinking.

Providing access to mental health resources would be socialism.


Compared to a F-350 it is. 🤷🏼‍♂️

The cow jumps over the moon...

Counterpoint: I love the uniforms and think they’re gorgeous!

All Hail the Queen!!

I was convinced he was going to show up in the final ep of season 1 and reveal that it was another trial.

Bring it on! Also can we get some sort of followup to ds9? Would love to see Jake, Kira and Quark back.

1st Gear: “Tesla has no need to union-bust, as it already has a very safe workplace, thank you very much!”

1st: Tesla’s stock value is largely derived from the hype Musk has built around the brand. It’s important to their valuation to keep that hype going, so it’s in Teslas interest to allow Musk to keep Twitting. 

Another serious candidate would be Lieutenant General Shirō Oshii, who ran the “Epidemic Prevention and Water Purification Department of the Kwantung Army”, more generally known as “Unit 731", which conducted lethal human experimentation during WWII. Its experiments included vivisection without anesthesia of the