
CeeLo is scaring Barron *is suspended from SNL*

His Excellency Dear Leader Benevolent Chancellor Trump

Dang this is a great idea. Somebody call George Lucas let's Special Edition the hell out of this

Boopy doopy doop doop sex

The dastard himself says "I don't know what 'notions' are." And he also claims to have magazines available!

And soon he may be serving in an administration with Nazis. Full circle!

Title for this entry was thought up by both Ege Bamyası and me, independently of each other !!

See for yourself.

He's a consummate artist and one of my heroes!

December 15, 2016

You, sir, are a mouthful!

I just came on here looking to see if this was going on! Would you (or someone else) want to organize a calendar for it? I think I'd like to write about Carol this year.

My favorite movie of all time! And you must have missed the glaring catering to the groundhog lobby at every turn.

Thank you. Enjoy the time off! 🎄

My move to LA has gone well, but I'm still in need of a place to move to after this month. How's life?

Hey happy birthday! 🎈

It's the Upside-Down.


You treat objects like women, man.