Best part was unquestionably the rap music video at the end.
If you actually recognize it as the Ford Contour/ Mercury Mystique?... Yes.., you can’t be normal.
They're a bit hard to come by now a days but I still see them from time to time, like this early one I saw a few days ago at a junkyard. More and more I’m finding them tastefully modified (that is to say no body kit, no obnoxious exhaust and no nuclear paint). The civic once lint itself to a whole array of variants…
I sincerely hope you posted this for yesterdays question of the day as well...("What’s The Best Vehicle To Drive Through A Riot?")
Brave man to drive a 240 in the 88 for that matter too. watched a buch of kids wrap a Mustang around a pine tree playing in the snow last winter. I'd drive my Starion in the snow but it has a hard enough time gripping the pavement on the warmest day.
I owned a tracker version of that model, the truck is bulletproof with the exception of a flawed rear axel design. They’re a thousand times more capable than most would think, went through mud that would have trapped and killed mammoths and snow deep enough to swallow your children.
Free trials, the cheap mans salvation...and folly.
A+ for effort.
I don't know what that is other than a Suzuki but I need it in my life!
Can someone Photoshop the Lamborghini test drive guy onto that pic?