So every man driving a bland beige Toyota secretly desires excitement…Tell me something I didn’t know.
So every man driving a bland beige Toyota secretly desires excitement…Tell me something I didn’t know.
the only Peugeot's I've seen have been a 404 wagon at a junkyard a year ago. I've only seen one on the streets here in Northern California and that was 505 as well. Get that big foot photo of the Peugeot! even Jalop has blinders to them.
The Mustang. the owner probably after looking at us yammering on about the boxy 4door Renault thought we were crazy. My girlfriend told me he looked a little sad and confused that we weren’t talking about his car and lingered there for a while just looking at us.
He told me the front licence plate was from his home town back in France.
1988 Renault Medallion last year thay were sold here. The Owner was a French man with a thick accent that also owns a few Fiats that I'v photographed in the past. I appreciate every car but Japanese and European cars really get my blood boiling. What I’ve never understood is crazy brand loyalty (mopar or nocar…
What I like is when I get all ecstatic to see a car like yours and the owner of the mustang parked next to yours is standing there perplexed and bewildered as to why and how anyone would be passionate about anything other than a muscle car. This happened just the other day when I saw a Renault and the mustang owner…
Personally I can’t stand to see grown men with their hands in their pockets. If you’ve reached adulthood and still have no control of your hand you might as well wear oven mitts. Wayne Carini walks around with his hands in his pockets all the time and I cant stand it. Makes him look like a 6 year old in an old mans…
I’m a huge fan of European cars, I guess I have champagne taste on a beer budget. As much as I love them I’ve completely stopped going to Euro events because of the prudish snobbish owners. I find they get more obnoxious when they’re around each other (M3 and GTR groups). A GTR owner in particular actually let his car…
I'd have to agree with you. A lot of older car owners I find typecast you as some young punk without even talking to you. It’s even worse when you know your probably more knowledgeable about their midlife-crisis Corvette than they are. I’ve even had some go so far as to refuse to speak to me. It’s completely childish…
Perhaps it’s just where I live but I hate when "Itasha" cars show up to a car show. Their cars are almost always stock with the exception of a giant animated fantasy girls on the exteriors. I have yet to see one that wasn't vinyl wrapped worse than a city bus (sure they look good in pictures). All of this I could…
pretty much sums it up.
I know I'm sick, but the way this car appeals to me more and more every year is beginning to frighten even me.
One last gullwinged egg...The Secma Fun Extr'm 500 Gullwing
Meadows Frisky Michelotti
I think its called a Pajtás, Three-wheeled Hungarian bubblecar with gullwing doors
Herald as the "Taxi of Tomorrow", what automobile was eventually replaced by old junkyard Daewoo Nubrias after its taxi top was found to cause the elderly to go into violent seizures?
Long-horn, Mega (cab), Power-stroke, Cummins, long (bed….any other compensation innuendos I’m missing?
I'd have to agree with you. Just look at the size difference and abundant use of letters.
I think anywhere for that matter. I live in California and you really only chance upon them even at pick-n-pulls.
I’ll never forget that October article. I think it said something like "Who says you can't drift a FWD Thunderbird". Pretty damn embarrassing, I tried to find it but I believe its since been edited. I think it was good to knock Jalopnik off its high horse the sight does get a bit self-righteous . I'm kind of…