
Yup, he was so passionate when he was making it, it's the place where he is able to get to back to his old dream, really well p;layed

I agree, the bleep makes it funnier just seeing their facial reactions especially lithgow and sherri

He is bisexual I believe

He's really a good actor, his eyes are very expressive. He is convincing as your typical teen just with special needs but still has the same angst and issues a regular teen has

I like that they revealed that part of his past, makes sense why he goes all out the way for their Halloween stuff

Axl's growth is really well handled because it was not done overnight, it was carefully plotted. I really thought marrying April was a plot mistake but it was really good plot device for his character growth

Yup he was crushing on Lexi and dated on the same episode but they realized after that date that each other is not that one they're looking for at the moment

I agree with the chemistry but storywise Sue-Sean is more interesting, I'm excited how Frankie and Mike reacts to that especially their love-hate fondness with Nancy and Ron! Also this would be the perfect time to bring back Darrin who we haven't seen since the break up

The Sick Day episode, he really impressed me how he really knows his family. The actor casting was jarring for me at first since I'm so used to his Big Bang Theory character but he's doing a fine job

Pam didn't annoy me this episode surprisingly. It had some funny moments

he is so damn funny. Also when Kenneth was telling how he was not into school, he butt in for Maya "I don't know her very well but I don't think she cares about this"

Jonathan Slavin is hilarious, my favorite line
"Do I strike you as the kind of person who's looking for conflict with any of you?"

Just watched this week's episode. Oh wow,. This really got me. The talk was so real
And they ended it on a cliffhanger of some sorts. How will JJ react now? He's still a teen, he still has that all those "i want to be independent" angst every teen experiences but with his situation, it's entirely different. Really

Yup! I'm glad Brick's partay didn't really go bad, for once something nice happened to him

Weird Ashley's appearance was perfect in every single way!

YES! There's so much to talk about this season. Axl shutting out his family, Frankie's send off to the ovaries speech, Mike giving up his diaper business to help Sue (the way Mike explained to Sue that he wished they didn't live that way was so heartwrenching), Rita Glossner's surprising touching appearance, Sue and

we have speechless review now ;)

Yes Speechless review!

Great season for Sandra, I never thought she would last this long and still outlasting two previous winners is kinda a win.
I wish she lost to more interesting/remarkable players but oh well in this all star seasons though the castaways who are not that memorable in their previous season usually gets to the end

new case if there's going to be a season 2 but same town and some characters will stay (likely Josh and his team)