
This, he was a creep and Erica was right to be irked and now all of a sudden he's the one that got away? Oh please

I really hate how they made Erica so pathetic in the past 2 episodes argh

i can't believe it;s really happening but i kinda hate the netflix release all at once format though, I want to savor each one

Liza and Charles really has this strong connection that draws me in but Josh is really a good guy who loves Liza so much so it's really tough choice lol and Sutton has good chemistry with both actors!

yup I know and could have been a factor why I have affection with Bluebell ;)

I like it enough because I'm a sucker for shows like this, light and fun.

I miss Hart of Dixie, Bluebell was a little like Stars Hollow to me

reading adam's response was a delight and made the reviews more interactive and fun to read, too bad The AV Club didn't see the value in that and now we're stuck hijacking MF's reviews thread

it's weird that MF is the one that survived, discussion wise there wasn't really that much going on aside from "it sucks now, it's so tired, cant believe this is still on air" every single week unlike the other ABC family comedies where there were so much discussion and sharing going on. And very few 'i'm so cool"

Agree. Will Harris is fun to read because you can feel how he enjoys a show that he is writing and when he writes criticism it's not like other writers where you feel like "this is such a pain for me to write, I'm too good for this"

I work in the dubbing industry and voice synching is actually harder than people think

Enjoying speechless too, just the right balance of humour and warmth

Younger is such an enjoyable show, I;m rooting for Charles and Liza but Josh is so likable

I wish TV Club will do a Discussion post with ABC Wednesday comedies just like what they did with Survivor.

Please do this format with ABC Wednesday comedies

ok now I feel better with that suggestion lol

Still sad The AV club dropped Blackish, Goldbergs and The Middle reviews this season but Modern Family reviews stayed. I still like the show but there's nothing really worth discussing anymore, at this point, MF has already settled into its formula. I don't think a weekly review is needed anymore, just review it when

Loved it! So intrigue with the concept

Toks is so funny, hope she lands another comedy project soon

Looks no but agree with the way they talk