
Nailed it!

I’m sensing the author had some issues with the handling of “The Dark Tower”

Same here. “Roanoke” was scary and bloody, even if the characters did dumb things, which characters usually do in horror stories. “Asylum” is still the best season.

Yep, this is what happened to me. I can read some partial comment that someone wrote about a post from several years ago, but I don’t want to go through 2000 posts on “The Simpsons” to see the rest of the comment.

They never did build counters that well in the 70's, did they?

So, IT, Jakey-Poo (because #Dreamy), and Mother!. It’s gonna be a long September.

I was a sophomore in high school when this aired.

I somehow got into binging <b>Project Runway</b> Seasons 3 and 4. So much talent in the early seasons!

Whenever this finally gets made, which looks to be about the time this surgery will actually be real, this movie will be amazing.

So much talent, and yet, that tone. I’m on the “Definite Maybe” side.

To paraphrase Betty Boop in “Who Framed Roger Rabbit?”: “What a lucky towel!”

I’m not crying. YOU’RE crying!!!

As long as it’s able to continue my then nascent homosexual urges, I’m in. Paul Michael Glaser, where are you????

I don’t understand that either, since I also kept the same name, and the same user name. And they have my current Facebook picture, so I guess I’m easy prey for whatever happens next!

As an ABC kid of the 70's (Happy Days, Laverne & Shirley, Mork & Mindy, Love Boat, Fantasy Island, Charlie’s Angels, Starsky & Hutch), I always rooted for that network to win. This show was so much fun, and I was looking forward to this revamp But it’s just sort of background TV. There’s no camaraderie. Just people

Filed under: "Things That Make You Go 'Hmmm…'"

Bitchin'! Fantastic show. Awful people, but oh so relatable.

Somehow, Dalton Ross and Jessica Shaw, on SiriusXM's Morning Show, decided it stands for "Smurf I'd Like to …."

"It's always something, idn't it?"

Da Doo Logan Run Run?