
yeah, nothing to write home about, and a possible body double for the "body" it's portraying too, with the editing done the way it is.

My review, for what it's worth…


I can volunteer to find out, if you like. And with Monica's permission.

*single tear* We are the same age.

I can "DITTO!" Gwen Ihnat's entry. I was 10 when it came out, so I was right in the wheelhouse. Had all the toys, read all the books. Saw Empire opening day 2nd show, missing the first by about 5 people.

I'll give them credit for at least having the names of the "non stars" on the poster. That's really annoying when prominent characters played by character actors or lesser / past their prime / not yet famous people are not listed on the poster.

Pants. Hats. I'm easy.

Coming back this summer, on ABC. No, seriously!

Kitschy Girl Power… Elevate!!!

I noticed a distinct lack of Shirtlessness! on the preview for this season of The Bachelorette. I hope this is a sincerely shallow mistake.

oh, yes. Thank you.

As always, I'm morbidly curious as to why she passed away so very young. Rest in Peace.

I'm forgetting someone. Who was the first?

"And now, a metaphor"

I am intrigued, but this version of "The Mummy" doesn't look nearly as much fun as Brendan Fraser's version of "The Mummy".

They don't really look alike, though. I'm not sure about this…..

Such a shame. He was just so beautiful.

I enjoyed the show during it's time, and thought Crystal Bernard would turn out to be the breakout star. I'm not sure she has even worked since then.

*cues laugh track*