
*finger to nose* Let's hope for something better. This only has a short novella to go off of. "UTD" had an actual 800 page novel to ignore.

"Angel in Blue" was a pretty, underrated song. Rest in Peace.

You are not helping my diet. Well well described, especially that crust. Mamma mia!

Fellow Jayhawk, Class of '90. We ate a LOT of those Pyramid Pizzas that you delivered.

Smurf that noise!

"…and isn't it ironic…?"

Terrific book. She really did do them all!

Oh God, and Jason Beghe, too. Hirsute Heaven!

Oh my God, I love Dick, too. What a coincidence!

Give them time. Give them time.

Did Thor drop into Flash Gordon's universe?

One of our sexiest character actors. And one of our best, too.

Insert "WHOA!" emoji here.

I got lucky enough to see him in class at the University of Kansas in 1986, for the "introduction to film" class, and right around the time of Hairspray. He was fun and witty (and a Gay, in a time I was closeted), and thoroughly entertaining. Hollywood should use him more.

But I already didn't have any of his songs on my Spotify! /whine…?

i was around 8 to 13 during the late 70's, but I have no recollection of this. Fascinating!

….soooo, The Phantom Menace is a "no" for 1999???

I do recall having an Important Discussion on the way home as to which Car Chase Sequence was the best in Ronin. I think I chose #2….? It's been a while.

There's also a scene in IYCSWIH involving a swimming pool that has haunted me for years after seeing it on HBO.

It seemed to play on HBO every night, while I was a teenager living outside New Orleans, and it had a full cast of pretty and naked people. It had some style, and nudity, but is a misfire.