
Actually, I thought Tobin was one of the dead bodies that (Rick?) was walking over, but it turns out he's still alive and at the funeral.

The Math checks out!

And yet it still managed to look cheap.

Well, she was making out with Ghost Abraham, so….

Completely agree with you there. That was amazing work.

I must be in a very small minority. The original was mildly entertaining, with an award worthy performance from Johnny Depp, but I haven't seen any of the others, and it has never sounded like I'm missing much.

This is my first season watching, so is it normal to have no connection between the main challenge and the runway challenge? Or did I miss something connecting cheerleading with the color "white"? It's like watching "America's Top Model". They're beautiful and walking. What's the difference between the contestants

Julia has won the last 5 Emmys in a row. She and the Emmys could start spreading the wealth around.

It's rarely LOL funny to me, too, but it's entertaining, and has two of the best talents in Hollywood History on it. It could be better, but I'm entertained.

(Just in Case) SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER She describes herself as the "ideal fantasy wife" for men: loves sports, eats whatever, always up for sex, never gains weight, laughs with the guys, etc.. It's just description dialogue in the story.

The story is about our fears as children connecting with our fears as adults, so I'm not surprised this one is, well, connecting, especially with Generation X, Y, and the Millenials.

It's first 2/3 are really really good, especially with atmosphere. If only they could have stuck the landing……

This is similar to my problem. I'm torn between my love for Stephen King, and my Social Anxiety freaking me right out of the theater. And yet I know I'll end up compromising, and seeing it Monday afternoon in a less crowded, and more deserted, theater.

So it's a sequel to The Strangers???

For that extra kinkiness!

That is coded in "Gone Girl". Watch the movie / read the book WITHOUT spoilers (because the movie and book are really really good) and you'll find out what Miraelh is talking about.

You should check out You will like what they are working on over there this year. #NotSPAM

This is actually a really good question. He has really really high Bonus points for "The Sixth Sense", "Die Hard" (the full frontal of "Color of Night") and "Moonlighting", but he is wasting those Bonus points very very quickly.

We're just more fun! /sprinkles confetti