
Yes and no. Interest rates are still really low, 10 years after the crash, because the economy hasn’t ever really recovered enough to raise them. Low interest rates are one of the things that is keeping the economy afloat now, along with low gas prices.

A bubble just means something is over valued based on speculation. We spent decades saying owning a home was a path to prosperity. People said real estate would never lose value, that it was safe. So people bought houses, banks thought it would never go down so they gave out easy credit. Demand kept going up, up, up

Uh, yes. The student loans need to be addressed, pronto, and we’ve got to get the money from the folks who originally shipped all the jobs abroad — big corporations and rich people.

I love IronStache — I sent him $$, too!

It’s frustrating and aggravating that despite the numerous times this has come up-it came up again yesterday-the worst offenders refuse to be mindful of how much oxygen they are taking up in a space specifically for women (it’s in the tag line even!) and continue to manspread on every post, including those posts about

I get a little farther behind every year, frankly. And I have a decent paying job, but my money goes less far, because I’m middle class and nothing is really designed to help me get further. Thanks, Paul Ryan! I’m glad I donated to @Ironstache !

I’m pretty sure the economy is only booming for people who make money by having money. It’s gotten worse for us every year for the last five years or so. Our income keeps going down as insurance premiums rise.

When politicians talk about the economy, they talk about the stock market and corporate profits.

I’m wondering if anyone else in the US feels like the economy is not as strong as the official numbers say? I know I only have local (to New England) annecdata, but two people I know have been laid off recently, and one co-worker’s husband was laid off, and at my husband’s company, they receieved almost 600


Cancel the appt. You won’t need teeth.

I dismissed a bunch of spam and abuse this morning, and got a bunch of nasty, name calling replies about how I was cowardly dismissing people’s replies because they’re clearly winning whatever battle they’re fighting.

Perfect post is perfect. I can condemn the man for his crimes and feel horribly for the loss of his son at the same time.

Yeah I came in late to the post yesterday about how Irma will hit low-income groups the worst and the top comment was an obvious troll people had brought out the greys for no reason.

There have been an unusually high number of nasty troll comments as first emblackened replies lately (anything pro choice or pro immigrant related). Rumor has it that a commenter out of the grays is starring them just to fuck with this site.

I think it’s obvious to say don’t bring the trolls out of the greys.

I really wish you would point out how much danger it’s put their audience in to teach them the news lies. How many didn’t evacuate or prepare a adequately because “Trump says it’s fake news so what else are they lying about?! They’re blowing this up to sell stuff and make money!”