How many votes were suppressed? That is real thing, thousands were. Greg Palast witnessed as did other believers in democracy which means the right to have your damn vote counted. How many though? Will anyone investigate?
How many votes were suppressed? That is real thing, thousands were. Greg Palast witnessed as did other believers in democracy which means the right to have your damn vote counted. How many though? Will anyone investigate?
It’s so funny he forgot how to laugh. Secretly, he thinks it’s clever as well.
You guys should totally go! Sounds like it would be a fun, memorable thing to share.
Republicans can be neoliberal, free market loving capitalists. Neoliberal is not a good thing.
Gross elections should be nullified.
They wouldn’t survive that lifestyle. Send me...I would love it.
If nothing else, this election has made clear that there are different rules for republicans than there are (were?!) for Democrats. Dems must be squeaky clean, repubs can be expected to be morally repugnant, and that’s supposed to be ok. I’m thinking NO. It’s not ok.
They act as if dt book art of the deal is the Bible.
I am Aghast! You call one-third of my family the worst of humanity? They are literally the worst?
I don’t get it...who Chooses Not To Work? How do these mythical people survive? There is no wage from welfare for people who don’t work, not even food stamps. The disabled and children and the retired are the only people who may not be doing some kind of work to survive.
It might be hard to rid society of it, but not hard to keep such attitudes off the police force.
Yes, the technology was able to help the victims case. It is a good thing. Body cams and audio and dash cams should be the norm. My “progressive” city keeps saying we can’t afford body cams for officers, mainly claim they don’t know how to store the data. Downtown, I saw a white police officer circle around a First…
Thanks for the breakdown, but I remain confused. Is Labour considered liberal? Which party cares about environmental issues, for example?
PENCE. Sorry, but....dt is at least accountable for promises he made. If he hadn’t promised to keep pre-existing conditions, AHCA may well pass without it. It probably will, though, since no one is paying attention to it as it stealths it’s way through senate. Pence is worse than dt and could wield more power since he…
Boo. I was feeling hope, now it’s dashed against the rocks of reality.
What reason would he give/make up for firing Mueller? I swear if he does I will join the fuck everything movement in earnest. dt can’t get away with that, dammit. Also, Pence is The Worst. I want him gone too. He would be more effective at making America an oligarchy than dt.
As a young teenager, I took quaaludes several times. They make you feel calm and happily relaxed, they were pretty awesome. My friends and I always watched out for each other when taking them because of the final side effect. You pass out suddenly, like just go down and don’t remember much past a certain point. They…
Damn. Sorry you were sent that. I think he meant BREASTS. Some of us have two. I hope bc dies in a dank prison too. Come at me, Devout.
When he was asked what other people he had given Quaaludes to in the past five years, and he responded: “None. Just let me explain. I’ll concentrate. If I’m trying to level, keep this level, in your mind. This draws my attention away and my concentration.”
People on twitter are saying they were unable to vote despite being registered. Sounds familiar. Kobach as Governor of Kansas? How does he have the time when he is so busy throwing millions of registered American voters off the rolls?