
Axe of the Blood God is still going strong (hosted by Kat Bailey) and picked up where Active Time Babble left off. for it’s part is the closest thing I think there is to what 1UP was back in the day, but the team is much smaller so doesn’t have the breadth.

My gf and I spent the last year as “year of the meat pies” which meant we made on avg about one pie per week. We made full size pies, pastie type pies, trianguar fish pies (Ghana style), pies in cupcake tins, etc. Tried all sorts of ingredients; from lamb and strawberry to mushroom and pearl onions to scallops and

make it a chimichanga then you might have an argument

I think Breath of the Wild was at least as fun regarding exploration for me. There were times in that game where I explored an area that led me to another area and to another area that lasted far more than 22 minutes. It felt more cohesive as a result.

I like new Belgium quite a bit for their variety packs, but I also like Kirin a lot so this seems cool to me. Honestly, I would’ve though New Belgium was the bigger company based on how common it is around where I live, but obv Kirin is a major Japanese mainstay; it’s probably got other arms like Suntory and Asahi do

This is good news. I hope the next Forza (non horizon version) has a bunch. I really missed them in Forza 7. To the point that I was like maybe my next car wont be Prius, but a Honda or even American car!

This is wonderful information! Also great tastes! Thanks so much!

hole down is fun, but it’s also entirely up to you to create your own challenge. The levels are all basically the same, but the numbers just go up. So do your stats if you spend the currency on them. Skill helps you get through the game faster, but due to the increasing numbers om the blocks and the randomness of

I thought it was gonna have 2 horns.

Just be sure that the AirBnB or wherever you are staying can support the games you are planning to play. A lot of games no longer support LAN, but require the multiplayer to bounce to a server elsewhere and back. This can really put a strain on a normal residence’s internet.

All Mario games. I tried playing Galaxy 1 entirely without weed. A mistake I have never made since. Galaxy 2 was mind blowing as a result haha.

at least he has the neo geo hat. that’s my fave version

Come on, COME OUWNN!

play Thumper on PSVR high. it’s even better!

Also, it’s always a good sign if people are excited to have you join their group. They want you there! You all are going to enhance each other’s fun. Be confident.

Just wait until they visit the airport taco bell....

More wild ales and funky (dry) ciders please.

It absorbs the oil from top a pizza, so it doesnt spill on ya!

just get into the spider-verse in 3d and you’re eyes will be happier than with any of the 4k

just get into the spider-verse in 3d and you’re eyes will be happier than with any of the 4k

“I had to break those blocks and place them again when I fell back to the base of the mountain and found my blocks were now in my way.”