
Come on, COME OUWNN!

play Thumper on PSVR high. it’s even better!

Also, it’s always a good sign if people are excited to have you join their group. They want you there! You all are going to enhance each other’s fun. Be confident.

Just wait until they visit the airport taco bell....

It was because of the first trailer. It did not show Venom. That generated bad hype. That just balloons on the internet these days. Certain movies get a bad wrap long before they come out and suffer for no real reason.

More wild ales and funky (dry) ciders please.

Here here!

art looks cool!

It absorbs the oil from top a pizza, so it doesnt spill on ya!

just get into the spider-verse in 3d and you’re eyes will be happier than with any of the 4k

just get into the spider-verse in 3d and you’re eyes will be happier than with any of the 4k

“I had to break those blocks and place them again when I fell back to the base of the mountain and found my blocks were now in my way.”

I’m happy with more vehicle call backs (it has swoops!) and alien races, maybe even some characters, but the story stuff can stay “legends” hahaha

I dont care whatever excuses they’ve made for it in some lore I haven’t read, the TFA X-wing is trash because of those half circle engine intakes.

well if all former io9 editors can go onto write nebula award winning novels, maybe it’s worth it hahaha

This website used to be about the weird scifi stuff, but it’s become a superhero hype machine more than just about anything else.

I dont remember jafar even going after her in the new movie. I think the biggest change is that she helps save the city and becomes shah of the land; that is a pretty significant difference.

i thought the plot of the new one was better for the most part, but it’s weird to have the music just be a little off, etc. Despite that, it was the disney movie i enjoyed in the theater most since pirates 5 haha. i liked all the characters a lot, except jafar was too young and not menacing enough. genie was a mixed

I disagree; but to each their own, that’s very subjective. Regardless, her character, both how she acted, and how other characters acted with regard to her, was vastly different from the original disney cartoon.

i immediately had the same thought. hopefully some people on youtube make the whole train ride!

did you see it? i did and it’s the only one of these remakes i’ve liked! i thought it was pretty good! the changes they made were actually good, rather than seeming arbitrary.