they are cyborgs...
they are cyborgs...
I mean, the two movies you mention have pretty similar proportions for two of the main characters (I think Alita looks less ugly here actually):
I think you flipped Sotomayor and Kagan. Sotomayor was in the first two years, Kagen was later in 2010.
Chocolate port syrup is great on ice cream. Don’t think i would drink it straight though
sounds so cool. I hope it comes to 3d blu ray haha
these are not rare consoles, these are common consoles with rare colors. i expected the panasonic q but rarer!
This was such a lost opportunity for a food fight
yakuza 0 is extra high def!
I just wanted the DLC to have a bunch of gods and monsters and stuff. I want an Odyssey game not and AC game I guess. That water looks so pretty though. Maybe I’ll get it eventually anyways.
they used to long ago though!
yeah, mine approved a request for circulating snes and nes classic minis, but they way the bureaucracy works, they might be out of stock by the time the library tries to purchase them haha. Also circulating instruments are increasing in popularity.
Also, don’t forget your local library! Many of them have videogames just like they do books, cds, and movies. My local library has them for free for a week, free renewals if no holds.
thanks for clearing that up XD
there was an aquaman movie in 2003?
claims he needs a wall to stop people coming over border, says if there is no wall he will stop all people from coming over border... doesnt even make sense by his own logic!
good stuff. we also have to work on people who call the police on the poor when they arent even causing problems.
try reading the allred/slott run. theres a lot of character there
i dont think spiderverse looks like low framerate, i think it looks like shortened exposure per frame on the characters which gets rid of motion blur (think those opening scenes in saving private ryan).
the art is good
i liked it a lot. it felt more like like a marvel movie than the other dc movies (except maybe justice league, but it wasnt a mess tonally), however it was nice that the jokes werent just the characters making fun of each other or themselves like the marvel movie jokes tend to be