
I’ve been reading this column for maybe a year or so? Anyways, this is the first time you’ve sounded salty hahaha

Now playing

I dont know if this was a real trailer since i dont think anything materialized from it, but it definitely is an example of some pretty good modern special effects monster wrestling!

we all die :(

...inventor of the sorcerer’s stone, played here by Brontis Jodorowsky...

yeah, but now they seem to cost a lot more and are super fancy than the tech decks of old haha. leave it to youtube haha

yeah! I know i thought the same thing, but i guess they had a resurgence (and cost a lot more than the tech decks I remember haha!)

looks to cash in on both the fingerboards and thrasher shirts (that font!) that are so popular with the kids these days. pretty cool

To the end that one of the most underrepresented groups of people can see themselves in the game. Alternatively, as this article shows, even just having the devs acknowledge the absence of those types of characters is a form of progress. This article is critical, but not disparaging or calling for a boycott or

“Palpatine’s plans relied on mistakes made by the Jedi”

Guardians for peace and justice to whom though? There were plenty of slaves throughout the galaxy and violence all over. They also had an unreliable archive that clearly had things deleted from it, so you can’t trust historical records either. The Catholic church has been around almost thousands of years, and they’d

There are two African women already and I guess neither are supposed to be black. But yeah, I don’t really wanna get into all that. My main point was that just because thing A is better than thing B, thing A can still be improved. Ill stand by that. The rest is a lot more squishy. Always nice discussing things with

The old Ghostbusters D6 based pen and paper game became the basis for the west end games Star Wars RPG that ended up creating much of the original EU. Just wanted to talk about that cause it made my childhood pretty good haha.

No worries. I think black women are one of the most underrepresented groups of people in the US, so calling for their inclusion doesn’t seem like a stretch to me. But as usual, it should be done respectfully (ie not threatening devs’ lives or whatever). I don’t see this article as a condemnation; it just asks a lot of

Me too, and I’m sure this Kotaku article will help other people who aren’t as familiar with the topic see that as well.

You said that “I never said to ignore thing B” even though I specifically said that this is about liberals ignoring thing B, and now you say that you’re not specifically backing Kotaku even though my original post was a direct response to Kotaku’s behavior.

Of course I think that’s possible; obviously the author of the kotaku article came away thinking it’s not a big deal, but saw the opportunity to elaborate on that for people who might not understand the gaming community as well.

Kotaku isn’t asking. Kotaku is condemning, and condemnation is cannibalization.

I’m specifically talking about how liberals will cannibalize their own in order to attain moral purity instead of directing their efforts at changing things that will actually achieve greater gains.

By pointing out that the alarmist attitude the original article conveyed was not based on “Statistics, sources, something with substance...opinion doesn’t expose anything, sorry that’s just how it works!

It exposed the hollowness of the original article by pointing out the lack of evidence it provided. That’s akin to debunking.