
I never said to ignore thing B, I said that just because thing B is worse, it does not let thing A off the hook. If thing A sets and example for thing B, it should provide the best example it can; not one that leaves out one of the most underrepresented groups of people in the medium/industry/country/etc.

This Kotaku article is not at all fear mongering. It is debunking an article that attempts to stoke fear without sufficient evidence. Brevity is no excuse for that.

“Yup, this is totally the way to change things. Target the game with one of the most diverse casts in recent history and tell them they’re still doing it wrong.”


if next time is Watchmen, that’s 2009, and that means Push, def my one of my fave superhero movies!

For me it was really easy to interpret the movie as a metaphor (and literally) for infidelity. Once it happens to Queen Amidala, it begins to warp and ruin part of her world. Eventually she has to dive deep into thought and address that aspect of her world/relationship. There are monstrous ideas, and they are

i never claimed not liking something is the same as whining about it. if anyone’s projecting it’s you. however going online and complaining about other people having fun on halloween and feebly calling for the cancellation of their festival is whining.

trying to one up a stick in the mud does not exclude you from being a whiner, it pretty much ensures you’re a whiner.

complaining in a feeble or petulant way is one meaning that fits a statement like:

If you don’t like the term holiday, than think of it as a festival. You don’t have to come, but neither do we have to give a care about your whining about us having fun.

As part of your research, I would recommend the film Tampopo; it has more than just ramen, but ramen is a major focus!

Having been the bad guy for so many games, Kirby finally has a chance to be the hero we all probably think he is if we don’t really consider the things he has actually done. I mean he killed a smiling tree. He could’ve just walked around it, but no, he killed that tree with it’s own children.

Nudibranchs are really having a moment right now. There’s a pretty good tumblr called a nudibranch a day (it falls short of that promise, but never disappoints).

having been dressed as a child jedi, that button would’ve def flagged me as an easy target for any anakins/young darths haha

I don’t care what age people are when they trick or treat. I was approaching 6 feet tall by the time I was 11 and I was sometimes hassled for being too old (masks don’t help). I want everyone to be able to dress up and go out and have fun. If you’re 40 or something though, maybe just go every other year cause we need

I think you are both discussing this based on previous Expanded Universe knowledge. I mean there were energy shields and particle shields, and particle shields would have no problem blocking those iron balls. A victory class star destroyer would be invulnerable to such an attack, but an imperial class might be

Decent article that kinda boils down to “who knows but at least its better than it used to be.”

traditional 2d animation achieves motion blur using smears. I think the low framerate in spiderverse is imitating stop motion more than anime or 2d cel animation. anime uses limited animation, and this is def not using that (ie a still character with just mouth moving). the springy build up and release of kinetic

for more cinematography nerdery: it could also be that select sequences are actually rendered in 24 fps but simulate a quicker exposure giving it the choppier look. A popular example of this would be like the beach landing scenes in Saving Private Ryan, where they are still in 24 fps, but the film is exposed for a

On the other hand, I found a 12 pack variety of Alaskan Brewing Co. beers that I had forgotten about for a few years in my closet, put em in the fridge, and tested them out.