
I’m not sure why you think I’m above the middle class, but I guess I’ll take that as a complement if it means you think I’m elite. For some reason people like you think the elites are bad, but then vote for someone who brags about being a billionaire and then cuts billions in taxes for the richest people in the US,


you used the word “objectively” in a way that contradicted it’s original meaning of “not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts” when you claimed that “episode 1 was just a horrible movie objectively.” Obviously a lot of people disagree, so it’s just an opinion. For example, i

You come off as someone who has not read or understood criticism of creative media. People don’t go maybe this, arguably that when performing a critique, they just state what they believe. Criticism is not objective, nor does it claim to be.


sure, why not, idiots do a lot of things.

Oh no my hopes are already up for dune! Thank you for this sage advice and I will temper them haha, I’m sure it will make it better if it is actually good.

I liked that they were all legit nice to Dee at the end of the escape room episode. If it was totally nonstop assholery, I would’ve dropped the show a long time ago, but it is actually just joke assholery, which can be really fun.

and life aquatic!

I can see where your chosen name comes from. sorry I bothered.

Not sure why you’re bringing up victims repeatedly if you’re not interested in them. It’s not a topic I ever brought up.

It’s harder than a water temple without a walkthrough

when did objectively become the new literally?

i really appreciate the style and special effects/stuntwork, but ive watched this movie multiple times and it just feels like something is missing.

This is pretty normal in a ton of libraries. The exception at many is no food/drink at the public computers. About a decade ago there was a big push to put coffee shops in libraries to attract/serve more people. It worked, especially on college campuses, and you’ve gotta be able to drink somewhere.

or popcorn?

yes lke 911 truthers and flat earth truthers you are a shimp tail truther. you are in good company haha. but seriously, if you are expected to eat the whole head of a deep fried shrimp, why not the tail! my life has been better ever since i started eating them :D

“Ok, but do women get kudos for their vagina or for what they actually do?” 

but if you apply that to violence, and the uncharted series (in which the vast majority of the violence serves no narrative purpose) then your statement once again makes no sense.

so everyone love BvS?