
I think they are mad at Luke being a failure after being so successful and growing in maturity in Jedi. The thing is, all the failures you describe happened as established in TFA so I agree and don’t know why people are so up in arms with TLJ’s Luke

I think Johnson did fairly well by Luke in that last battle. Remember, it had been revealed that Luke had already failed Kylo and abandoned his friends and family in their time of need before in the plot of TFA, not TLJ. TLJ made that dumb flashback with the sleep threat, but other than that it was all established by A

so its like the thing in a romantic comedy where one character sees their love in a hug with another character and thinks its sexual but its actually hitting away a bee and because of that split second they then spend the next third+ of the movie as foes until for whatever reason they get back together anyways and the

I agree with a lot of what you said, but I keep seeing complaints about TLJ like

This is not the problem people had with Luke. People had a problem with him failing his nephew, being a coward, and abandoning his friends and family in their time of need.

geniuses at DC saw how well solo did and just went for it

they have a lot more freedom of speech than say iran, but i was talking about specific instances relating to the queen.

oh man i miss john oliver on the Bugle, the bugle is still great, but I liked john oliver on that better than the HBO show now that its mostly about more mainstream news rather than deep dives into subprime car mortgage loans or whatever.

Get him back together with Paul Ruddish. I think Ruddish’s work on the Mickey shorts have been better than Hotel Transylvania. All the best to both of them though!

I believe england still has some rules about censorship regarding making fun of the queen and such on the books but they haven’t been enforced in forever because they seem antiquated in an age of relatively free expression.

understood. that doesn’t negate what i said about the meaning of the word censorship (including how it applies in the usa), but i appreciate your input.

oh is the new album good? i though the first was like diet cocorosie. i wanted to like them but i couldn’t, im happy to try the new one though! thanks for the heads up

No see you need to look up the word censorship the word censorship specifically means the government is blocking whatever is being “censored”

Nobody’s free speech was violated, but it is censorship. The first amendment does not protect against censorship, it protects against government censorship.

Same with hit points in D&D! A higher level character isn’t necessarily hardier, but can move out of the way of more attacks, slough off minor blows, etc. thus more HP.

Luke was ruined by the implications of TFA, not TLJ. I don’t understand why people keep thinking Luke was still classic Luke after having watched TFA. TLJ just explained retroactively in more detail why he abandoned the cause and was a failed Jedi teacher (as already explained in TFA). 

Just be warned that the tape may degrade over time and damage the internal plastic due to the reaction of two different types of plastic.

if you make it a steamed bun, I’m in!

This is great. I wish there were more articles that advised against copy and pasting, and instead emphasizing maintaining the original sources. It makes it so much easier to fact check. Keep it up!