
“And if you use Google Play Music, nothing will change — you’ll still be able to access all of your purchased music, uploads and playlists in Google Play Music just like always.”

to be honest, i dont even shell them anymore. i just eat the whole thing except the head (unless its fried, then i eat that too). been doing it for years and i’ve never even gotten a stomach ache.

and mitch hedberg who is now dead. how things change

D. V. D.!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lol shaming people ashamed of their own bodies, io9's come full circle

steppenwolf just wanted to get three boxes to get magic power to remake the world just like thanos and his magic power gems. he’s not as eloquent as thanos, but its the same exact generic plan. steppenwolf doesnt bother over-explaining his plan though so you cant see all the potential holes in steppenwolf’s logic like

so generic bad guy then. how interesting /s

why leave a whole half the people then? does he impart some kind of galactic contraception? if it like the plagues of the middle ages, the people left will have an abundance of resources and multiply at a rate faster than ever before...

Now playing

are you for real? did you even beat this game and see the endings? my fave racers gomar and shioh are particularly great examples of how this game is juvenile (12 mins, 30 seconds)

obviously Groose on a mecha-loftwing. im so excited about this (hopefully) upcoming Vs. Death Star Trench Run The Game

I love both, i even beat the GCN title (of fzero not starfox lol) on hardest difficulty and unlocked the arcade mode and beat that. I can’t imagine a game that would appeal to Star Fox and Fzero fans more than

you can usually opt out of using google services but you cant opt out of government surveillance from the sky. there must’ve been some line that was crossed that thousands of people at google voiced a concern about and a handful of people quit over.

If you think there’s not a slippery slope for technology monitoring people you have your head in the sand. Also, the US government clearly doesn’t follow the rules regarding illegal monitoring (see Snowden).

Me too, but long term brand management is more important to Google than the lack of an immediate change to their bottom line.

You can opt out of data collection by not using those services. You cannot opt out of being monitored by drones or satellites.

But now there are thousands if not millions of people who have heard an amplified message that Google is working on military AI. That may have ripple effects that cause people to reassess their view of Google and what its goals are.

something something fourth amendment

It might save lives, but at the cost of freedom. With the advancement of systems like this, in the not so distant future, the government will be able to track were every citizen is using real-time satellite/drone imagery. You will not even be able to opt out by staying off the grid. Building penetrating sensors will

If you take a vodka and milk over ice and add ovaltine, you’re set.