i bent my wookie
as someone who didnt get that experience, I’m ok with these things existing :D
“Frustrated by their low-impact placement matches, lots of players have opted to purchase the game again and open up a fresh account so the now-unbiased Overwatch oracle can determine their truest, and ideally, highest rank.”
depends on your troop
as a fellow eagle, i’m so happy to have stuck with the organization and continued to teach merit badges every once an a while and encourage inclusion. i was always kinda miffed by people like Spielberg who renounced their scouting experience because the organization lagged in social progression. better to change it…
Most of them are and thats why the organization have followed their lead (and the even more tolerant scouts themselves) to become an inclusive organization
the best is when your old microwave gets exploded by your high friend leaving a fork on the plate and you get an upgrade because they dont make ones as cheap as your original haha
1 part clear rum
poke isnt even japanese, it’s hawaiian influenced by japanese (just like fish taco were influenced by japanese immigrants’ tempura fishing in the sea of cortez)
briney melon is awesome! if you ever come across Libertine Brewing (SLO) I’d recommend trying them. They are all wild ales. They are a bit too expensive to dink often, but maybe one every couple of months. The seawater one is like my fav beer right now.
The sea salt foam in 85 degrees coffee is amazing
The prevalence of this symbol in memes actually goes back to the circle game:
its basically a 0-level Prestidigitation Cantrip. would’ve let it fly no problem
lindt 90% is the best in my book. that said I’d be happiest to have a hershey bar around for smores
I hope you get well soon! You’re always a wonderful force for good.
It all depends on the beer and your mood. At baseball games they have aluminum bottles. The way the metal conducts the cold to your lips makes the beer taste much colder. It is my preferred method of drinking Budweiser. Otherwise, I generally like large fancy beers in superdark bottles poured into a glass. I’ll say…
I prefer soda with ice, but I rarely want ice in my beer. They are actually quite different beasts haha.