
its basically a 0-level Prestidigitation Cantrip. would’ve let it fly no problem

lindt 90% is the best in my book. that said I’d be happiest to have a hershey bar around for smores

I hope you get well soon! You’re always a wonderful force for good.

haha that is a great movie watching strategy. very fair to those without a marketing budget. i was so so on prestige overall to, but i thought david bowie as tesla was great. like why did hugh jackman have to keep killing the clones, he probably wouldve made more money (and had more fun) with a travelling troupe of

they made scifi?

its fantasy though

i watched 2049 super high in the theater and came out thinking it was gorgeous but shallow. i bought it and rewatched it (less stoned) and realized it was my fav movie of the year haha

oh hell yeah southland tales. best suggestion ive seen on this page

needs more visuals and less time talking about cancer. I had the same problem with pans labyrinth though; maybe ten minutes in the labyrinth, the rest just with mean fascists. i know iam in the minority, but i have rights too!

I didnt really mind Twilight. The sequels were horrible (no shirt werewolf boys were fun tho), but I thought the deep green color palette with sprinkles of lavender to be really nice in the original. I don’t really remember that much else about it. Also I dont mind “tween fanfiction” stuff I guess if it has the best

C H A P P I E ! ! !
Heavy Metal
They Live
Kung Fury

I say so without a doubt. I love Fifth Element, but I’ve grown kinda tired of it. I feel like I get something new each time I watch Jupiter Ascending and I’ve watched it a lot of times haha. But I also like a lot of things that average people don’t (despite them not having seen them; like last years King Arthur!).

I think people don’t criticize Asgard as much because it’s not supposed to be representative of anything good (other than looks maybe?). They aren’t humans, they are far away magical space beings based on a primitive (is that PC?) real-earth religion. In the last movie, their homeworld blows up cause they are so bad

I read this book last year and thought it was horrible. Maybe if they got rid of the real world stuff, and just stuck to the fantasy world then I could hang, that stuff was pretty cool; but there was way too much of the book that was a straight up waste of time. Also kinda racist...

Nope, def blasphemous. Luckily Humanoids released a much better reprint of the Incal than that DC trash, and dark horse is releasing more with the Edena books so not all is lost.

camping with a big group; not enjoying nature deep in the forest camping, but like 15 friends drunk around a campfire while it’s raining. or tailgating. or at a bonfire.

It all depends on the beer and your mood. At baseball games they have aluminum bottles. The way the metal conducts the cold to your lips makes the beer taste much colder. It is my preferred method of drinking Budweiser. Otherwise, I generally like large fancy beers in superdark bottles poured into a glass. I’ll say

I prefer soda with ice, but I rarely want ice in my beer. They are actually quite different beasts haha.

to be fair, everything in california causes cancer. from balsamic vinegar to using a gas pump.

Yeah, that’s the article I found too. It seems to be more about Gaiman’s thoughts on what was possible with the technology and not the judgement of the art itself. After I read “Compare Preludes and Nocturnes to The Kindly Ones, just from a standpoint of colour and you’ll see what I mean” I went to the shelf and took