
Yeah I was super put off by the new guy at first cause the old one was so loveable. However, by the end of the christmas special I was totally cool with the new guy.

I think it’s more about the limited communication set provided to link. There isn’t really room for subtlety/explanation with the options provided so equipping things is the only way to “speak” outside of dialog choices.

Explains why Vader was like “Luuuuuke I am your father....” he thought he was talking to the evil one!

But will Thrawn still be able to figure out an entire species’s battle tactics by studying their art?

No mention of Jorus C’baoth or Joruus C’baoth?

The use of clones doesn’t quite line up with how eps 1-3 showed, but it was def the closest guess as to the what would happen at the time.

Looks like a rip off of devil daggers, but with some mario galaxy type planetoid levels. could be fun though

oh i guess its a different one actually haha I like the hairstyle on the one you can buy in-game, but this one is cool too!

you can just buy it from the store with rupees too.

The monster salesman. I think its after a few visits to him. I just come across it randomly last night! Pretty expensive, but what else am i gonna use those monster parts for heheh

The art is great, but the writing (esp. dialog)is pretty juvenile (plot/world is kinda cool though). A lot of talking about dicks and stuff while killing people.

What is truly ruining movies is all the stupid coverage before they release. I mean how much drama was there about Rogue One’s endings? The Flash movie is practically doomed because of bad press around directors coming and going and it hasn’t started filming yet! We all need to chill out and watch what we like and

I agree that Rotten Tomatoes is crap. However, Batman V Superman is also crap.

So if I play the defense, will I have the option to not open the gates and go out and attack the sieging enemy and actually use the fortifications for their purpose? (this has happened so many times in the show)

My plan is to get this when it inevitably comes to the switch. Or is a monthly ps plus free game.

It totally connected! The ghostbusters solved the problem of ghosts somewhere back in the early nineties. People moved on quickly (as reiterated by the suits’ speech in the new film) and forgot. If they were able to do it between GB 1 & 2, then it would be super easy to justify after a couple decades or so.


I read it differently. Yes, there were some men at the entrance trying to get in and said they had heard of a man who was able to get in somehow. However, all the Gerudo women at the Bazaar refer to Vilia as a woman (albeit a strange woman - shes a hylian rather than a gerudo afterall. Also, she’s hanging out on a

nothing beats Pikmin and weed, though this new zelda game is pretty good... but it’s also good when im at work and not hi!

Well movies like the jungle book and 101 dalmations look much rougher in line than earlier animations (like the 1955 you mention) because during that period they used a process where they transferred pencil drawings to the clear animation cells using a photocopying process rather than paining the outlines by hand.

its rotoscoping.

You’re right in that it got people to pay attention who hadn’t before, but I think that’s due more to it’s over the top violence than animation quality. Mostly I hear people talking about how hardcore it is, not how well animated it is. That said the part where his arm goes crazy and a few other scenes are indeed