
Yes you should. 100% worth it

The pilot was phenomenal. I hope many tune in to watch. Wow. I was blown away. What a fantastic show. It beat Timeless hands down. But sadly more people will watch Timeless because its in a more popular network. Frequency hit all the right notes with its acting, editing, writing. Its a must watch and for those who are

I think it also set up the big bad for the season. Whatever Alchemy means. I'm not interested in this season though. But i'll watch because its The Flash.
You know things are wrong when you see yourself rooting for Reverse Flash over The Flash

I think the major reason he went back in time again was because his memory was being wiped and he didn't want that to happen. But for me the whole flashpoint stuff was stupid from the start because it was purely selfish and made no sense. It was obvious it had to be fixed within the first episode because Arrow

This premiere was so underwhelming for me. I guess i over expected from it. Now i look forward to Supergirl

When will people stop lamenting over Agent Carter's loss. The show had poor ratings and was cancelled. How hard is that? And yet people still shout why was it cancelled. What show with poor ratings doesnt get cancelled.

I watched the premiere? This review is utter crap. In no way was it trying to be scandal or shondaland drama. I don't know where that idea is coming from. The show didn't even try to hide the fact that its a procedural and has things set in motion for what its storylines and characters are gona be and have. It was a